Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Done with life

"Akiko-chan, meet your cousin, Shisui"

Shisui Uchiha, a prodigy with a big heart. If he were to survive in the show, Akiko was sure that he will be Naruto best friend. His death were tragic and Akiko shed a tear while watching that particular episode. She swear that she will save Shisui, no matter what.

"Hi Aki-chan!" Shisui beamed at her. Shisui and Akiko only have a year age difference and now he was only two years old. It means that she have around thirteen years to prevent his death.

But damn, he was so cute.

"Kaa-san need to get some groceries shopping so stay put okay?" Mikoto asked, smiling when she received a twin 'hai' from the children. "Tou-san will be back soon so behave," With that said, she left the house.

"So Aki-chan, let's play something." Shisui urged, looking giddy for some reason, "how about we play ninja? Just inside the house."

"Then, Sui-chan be the bad guy."

"Eh...? Not fair" Shisui whined

"Then this round Sui-chan be the bad guy and next round I will be the bad guy." Akiko suggested. Based from the happy expression on Shisui face, she guessed that he accept it.



Fugaku sighed as he spot the familiar path that lead to his house. People were getting paranoid at every passing day. It seems that war was approaching fast that people was having a hard time to stay calm. There hasn't been any issues but people start to noticed that Iwa been preparing a lot of shinobi as if expecting a war. He was having a hard time to assured his clansmen about the issues. He just hoped that the war won't be happening.

As he neared his house, he pushed away the thought of war for later. He just want to see his daughter then take a rest. He been absent from his own home since last night and right now a nap doesn't sound bad. His thoughts went to his one year old daughter. At first, he was disgruntled that he had a heiress instead of a heir. He wanted a boy to be his clan leader but after watching Akiko grew up, he suddenly thought that a daughter wasn't so bad especially a cute one as Akiko.

She was so innocent and pure that he was having a second thought on training her to become a heartless killer. But as the future leader of Uchiha clan, she need to become a ninja, a strong one at that so that people will respect her. He decided to think about this matter later because she was still one year old. Maybe he will start her training went she was three.

Upon entering his house, he noticed that it was too quiet for his liking. A sudden sense of panic filled him but he calm down instantly when he felt his daughter's chakra. Then he frown when he detect another chakra near his daughter. He immediately rushed toward the room Akiko was in only to stop at the doorway when he saw the scene in front of him.

Akiko was sleeping soundly, curling to her right where a boy who he recognised as Shisui sleep with his mouth wide open.

Fugaku frown at Shisui sleeping figure that situated near his daughter. A sense of protectiveness filled him but he pushed it down for now. No he wasn't jealous. Not toward a snotty two year old brat.

Looks like spending time with his daughter will have to wait.


That day, she met Kakashi Hatake.

It was just another normal day in Konoha. People bustling around the street to buy things while chatting lightly. Her mother, Mikoto decided to bring Akiko with her as she went to buy the groceries. Akiko was thrilled. After all, it's been a while since she left the house. She can't go out unsupervised because she was still young so she take this chance to explore Konoha.

It was when her mother brought her to this one store did she catch a glimpse of silver hair. She escape her mother hand stealthily to catch a good look at the silver hair boy. To her surprise, it was indeed Kakashi Hatake, the future rokudaime hokage. He look around six to seven years old and Akiko concluded that he was still in his asshole phase.

She contemplated to approach him or not and in the end, she decided to just fuck it and approached Kakashi.

She walked slowly toward the boy and stop when she neared him and look up. He seem to not noticed her presence yet or he simply ignoring her. Unfortunately for him, she won't give up. She will wait there until he noticed her.


Kakashi was having a day off from mission. He took this chance to finally bought some groceries for his empty refrigerator. That thing was as dry as wind country. He took his time to chose the things he need to buy when he felt a small chakra approached him.

He decided that it was just a child that maybe separate from their mother, not his problem. He continue choosing his item and after around five minutes, he noticed the child was still standing beside him. He can feel the gaze that was directed to him from the child.

Feeling slightly irked, he turned his attention from the eggplant in his hand to the child beside him and discovered that the child was a girl that was no older than one to two years old.

"You need something?" Kakashi asked coolly, looking at the girl.

"You look stupid." She commented blandly, looking at him as if he didn't worth her time before promptly turning around, leaving a very annoyed Hatake.

Kakashi continue to buy his thing but more quicker so that he can finally be back home. He had enough with every single thing. His morning was started with being annoyed because a certain someone just can't arrived on time. And now he had to deal with this.

He wondered was it a crime to kill their own teammates and called it as an accident?

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