Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: First mission (Part 2)


•Correction on Chapter 10 last paragraph. It's a 'he' not 'she'. I already change it so I hope you won't be confused in this chapter.•

•Little spoiler: Was planning to add Anko as the temporary member but realized it too late that she's still in the academy. So I change it to other person. Anko will make her appearance later in the story.•

•This chapter is some kind of filler, just before all shits goes down so yeah.•


"My name is Ibiki Morino. Nice to meet you." The boy introduced himself with a bored face, "I specialize in Taijutsu and have a good stamina so you don't need to worry about me slowing you down."

Akiko stared at a child Ibiki with glimmering eyes. Ibiki was one of her favorite character in her last life, of course Obito will be on the top though. Ibiki face still lacked any scar that he had when he became Chunin exam proctor. It was quite surprising to see him like this. He didn't looked scary at all.

Appearance wise, he even look cute unlike the older version of him. The child him still have hair growing on his head. It was silver, a few shade darker than Kakashi's hair. Ibiki wore a simple black outfit, several pouches strapped to it and calf-length sandals. He wore his forehead protector in the same, bandanna style. The only thing that stay the same was his bandana.

"The name is Shirota Nara. So I guess, it's nice to meet you too....." Shirota said as he continued to slouched his body, "what a drag..."

"Daichi Hyuga. It is quite a relief to hear that you won't be slowing us down. Nice to meet you as well." Daichi nodded his head toward Akiko, signing that it was her turn to introduced herself.

Akiko cleared her throat before looking at Ibiki, a small smile appeared on her lips, "My name is Akiko Uchiha. Nice to meet you, Morino-san." A snort escaped Ryuu's lips who were watching the interaction the whole time. Akiko glared at him telling him to shut up only to have a teasing smirk in return.

Ibiki stared hard at the girl while wearing a thoughtful expression. Akiko fidgeted slightly, clearly not used to people staring at her intently.

"....Chibi?" Was the word that left Ibiki mouth after a few seconds of silence.

Everything went still until Ryuu let out an obnoxious laughter, followed by Daichi who at least have a decency to covered his mouth. Shirota looked at his side, body trembling as he tried to held in his laughter. Akiko stayed silent with her eyes on the ground. After a few minutes of laughter, her teammates finally stopped when they noticed that Akiko stayed silent the whole time. They took a glanced at her and shivered when they saw how dark her expression was. They then looked at Ibiki in pity, silently praying for his safety. Ibiki only looked confused and wasn't sure what was happening.

Akiko lifted her head to looked at the confused Ibiki, forcing a smile on her face with twitching eyebrows, "I hope you won't say that again Morino-san or I'm afraid that something bad will happen to you. Please take my advice to heart." With that said, she turned away from Ibiki and walked away.

Ibiki felt shivered ran down his spine because of the silent threat. He make sure to say that again. His gut was telling him that he will probably lose his life when he dare say such word again.

Ryuu fake coughed, earning the three boys attention, "Okay so, I want all of you to pack your supplies that last for three days and meet me at the gate an hour before midnight. I will also informed Uchiha to do the same. Be sure to rest first. Now then, you're dismissed."


"Nee-san! Welcome home!" Itachi cheerful voice greeted Akiko as soon as she entered her home. Akiko chuckled slightly, crouching down in front of her little brother to give him a hug.

"Did you miss me?" Akiko asked, smiling gleefully when Itachi nodded his head.

"Nee-san, can we go get dango together?" Itachi asked, looking at Akiko with his wide eyes.

"But we're going to have lunch soon. Kaa-san will get angry."

"But....okay" he sighed, looking disappointed.

Akiko felt her heart broke when she saw Itachi's saddened face. This kid really got so much effect on her. Whenever she saw that face, she can't resist him. She wasn't sure if it was intentional or unintentional.

"Alright, but we're not going to tell Kaa-san, okay?" Akiko finally said after having an inner turmoil.

Itachi's face light up, nodding his head vigorously. Akiko stopped him before his head fly off his body. Akiko turned around until her back face Itachi, motioning him to climb on her shoulder. Itachi immediately climb her shoulder without a second though, thrilled by the idea of spending his time with his sister.

His sister always out of the house after she graduated and there's hardly any time to spend with him because she always went home when it was night and too tired to do anything other than sleep. Today for some reason, she went home early so Itachi going to take this chance to spend more time with his dearest sister.

"Kaa-san, Itachi and I are going to go out for a bit!" Akiko called out. Mikoto then appeared from the kitchen to meet Akiko on the front door.

"But you just arrived and you're already going out? Rest for a bit." Mikoto said, concern lacing her every words.

"It's fine. I want to spend more time with Itachi because I will be gone in the next three days." Akiko answered.

"Three days? Is it a mission?"

"Yeah, C-rank. Nothing too dangerous. Just patrolling around the border." Akiko replied nonchalantly.

"Alright. Be back before lunch."


"Nee-san" Itachi called out. Akiko hummed slightly as she continued carrying Itachi on her shoulder, "Is it fun being a ninja?" Itachi inquired.

Akiko stopped oh her track for a few seconds before she started walking again, "hmm....not really." She answered.

"Then why did you became one?"

Akiko chuckled slightly, as she turned around to look at Itachi's questioning face, "Why the sudden question?"

Itachi turned his head away to avoid looking Akiko's amused expression, "I just want to know."

"Is that so?" Akiko said smiling slightly before looking back in front of her, "Itachi, Do you love Kaa-san and Tou-san?" She questioned in which she received a nod from the said boy.

"I love them! I also love you Nee-san!!" Itachi answered.

"Me too, I love them, the clan and the village. They are my family. That's why I chose to became a ninja because I want to protect those who are dear to me." Akiko said, smiling slightly as she continued, "And for you my little brother, I would even give up my life for you to be happy. I just want you to live your life to the fullest."

When she finished speaking, she noticed that Itachi's gripped on her shoulder was tight. When she looked behind her, she was surprised to see Itachi's slightly teary eyes. She immediately stopped walking and panicked.

"I don't understand it." Itachi said as he tried to held in his tears, "But why is it so sad? Don't talk like that again Nee-san....".

Akiko placed Itachi on the ground before embracing him, rubbing his back to calm him down. She never knew that Itachi can be this emotional. She need to watch out what she said from now on.

"Itachi, Nee-san is sorry. Nee-san won't say that again, okay? Now let's get you some dango. Buy as many as you want, Nee-san will buy it for you." Akiko cooed, trying to soothe her sobbing little brother.


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