Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Reborn


"If it means that I can protect my family, then I'll gladly took the role of the bad guy for them."

Akiko Uchiha wasn't a hero nor was she a villain.

She wasn't an optimist nor was she a pessimist.

She wasn't a good person nor was she a bad person.

She was a neutral person.

But with threat hanging around everywhere, she was forced to change her ideal. Was forced to shoulder a burden that should not concerned her but because her family was put in danger, she gladly took on the whole world for them.

She wasn't supposed to exist but she'd be damned if she let her family die without intervening.

Who cares if it's not a part of the plot.

Certainly not her.


Lily wasn't the one to panic but when you woke up inside a space that were constricting your movements, anyone would become panicked. She always hated small space. It made her feel claustrophobic. What made her even more panicked was that she can't feel any of her limb, it's like it never existed.

Over the time, she tried to cope with the tiny space. She tried to not let the slimy wall bothered her. She often let herself spaced out just to forget about her situation for a second. She didn't know how many days has passed or even months because there's no way to check time in this place if you haven't notice yet. She was just trying to be funny to not let her situation bother her.

Time passed and slowly, Lily can faintly feel her limb. She wiggled her hands just to make sure it was there and was delighted when she can feel it respond to her. She tried to move her leg but was sorely disappointed when she only managed to move it slightly. It feels heavy and she didn't have the strength to move it fully.

It then come to one point where she can finally moved her limb freely, as freely as you can in a tight space though. She then kicked the wall surrounding her with as much force as she can only to feel her limb bounce back at her. The wall was slimy and soft and Lily concluded that she will never escaped these walls. No matter how many times she desperately tried to escape this prison but it prove to no avail as she only exhaust herself.

Days turning to weeks as weeks turning to months and finally, she feels a reaction from the wall around her. It started closing in on her, and unbearable pain followed it action. Slowly, it started suffocated her but then she found herself slowly exiting the tight wall and entering a place that was too bright for her sensitive eyes.

She can faintly hear voices around her and then feel a rush of wind before she feel a hard slap on her ass.

She was not pleased with that. No matter how hard she tried to forced it down, she couldn't. The pain was unbearable and before she know it, a sharp cries escape her lips.


Seeing the familiar face of Mikoto Uchiha made Lily feel uncomfortable. After putting two and two together, she managed to not feel confused with her new situation. She didn't know that being reborn was possible, in fact she only believe it as a fairy tale. But seeing that she experienced it firsthand, she don't know what to think anymore.

All she know that she feel incredibly uncomfortable with her current situation. It was weird to be stared by a cooing woman who are currently breastfeeding her. She tried to make the woman turned away but to no avail.

She only managed to understand a tad bit about what the woman was saying. It was a foreign language to her and she struggled to understand most of it. She only catch the word 'cute' and 'Akiko' considering how many times that words escaped Mikoto's mouth.

Sucking the woman breast wasn't as bad as she thought. It beat the feeling of literally being inside this woman any day. Who are she to whine about free food? Food are food and she would rather take it than being hungry.

For as long as she remembered from the show, Fugaku Uchiha was a stoic man and a first rated asshole. And yet, this person in front of her was different. He was hovering over her with a sense of overprotective in his eyes. When Mikoto was away, he spend his time actually playing with her. Sometimes dangling the little stuff toy in front of her face in hope that she will play with it. A gummy smile appeared on Akiko's face as she play with the toys. Her action bring a small smile on the ever stoic face of Fugaku. Akiko thought that Fugaku wasn't that bad. It seems that she already attached to the man herself.

Because the Uchiha was still not in the receiving end of village distrust, Akiko concluded that Fugaku was a loving father without the clan burden on his shoulder. It seems that Itachi still wasn't born so it safe to assume that the third ninja war still didn't happen. Does that now mean she will be the heiress of Uchiha clan? Well it's not that bad so she doesn't really care.

She will chose this family over her other family any day.

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