Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: First day

Akiko sat quietly in the middle row seat inside the classroom while subtly scanning her new surroundings. From what she gathered, everyone inside this classroom except her were around five to seven years old. Because of the rumor that the war was approaching, the academy start accepting more children from early age. And this rumor has been going on for years. She feel slightly uncomfortable because of the stares she received. She was after all, only three years old. Two year younger than Hatake Kakashi who entered the academy at five.

If her prediction was correct, the war will most likely to happen around this year or next year. If she were to show some prodigious talent, there's no doubt that she will graduate early than her peers.

But being a prodigy has its own burden. If she choose to hide her talents, there's no doubt that Itachi will be the one who replaced her and suffered just like in the show. Even if she doesn't want to graduate early, she will have to do it so that Itachi won't suffer. She also need to become stronger faster so that when the time come that the Uchiha clan will have the village distrust and plan a coup, she will make sure that she can convince them to stop. They can't say anything to a heiress, much less a strong one. All they need to do was to realise that their action will bring more destruction than anything.

Everyone in this class was unfamiliar but she doesn't really care about that. Even when the tension of upcoming war surround the village, this classroom was still noisy like nothing gonna happen. She know that they're young and don't know what will happen in the future but damn, stop being noisy.

Also, they need to stop staring.

The door opened and enter a man in his mid twenty, looking like he would rather be anywhere than near a bunch of brats. He stood in front of the classroom, glancing around as if waiting for everyone to finally shut the fuck up. Or maybe he did.

When he noticed that he had every brat's attention did he opened his mouth.

"My name is Saito Takimura, your homeroom teacher." He started, "So, I know this is your first day and all but I need you brats to go outside cause we are having Taijutsu training." And there he goes, dropping the bomb like it's nothing.

'Already? It's only the first day!! Looks like the situation is much worst than I imagined.' Akiko thought. Standing up from her seat, she immediately follow the teacher to the academy's training ground.

The training ground wasn't too big or too small. The size was just enough to do a small spar which was what they're going to do today. Akiko scanned her new classmates, catching one or two people that might interest her. Everyone else was just plain average for her to notice. Most of her classmates consists of minor clan's kids, not one like Naruto's future classmates. One she recognized was a girl from Aburame Clan and a boy from Inuzuka Clan because of their distinctive appearance. Aburame mostly wear dark glasses and always seem to wear heavy clothing because some of their insects are sensitive to sunlight. The Inuzuka has some kind of clan marking on their face so it's easy to recognized one.

Akiko may not started her training that long because Fugaku decided that training for a week was enough to graduate from the academy it seems. But she won't say that she was weak, in fact she can proudly said that she was capable of taking down a low chunin. She was quite glad that she still have her acrobatic skill with her from her last life.

At first when she was sparring with her father, he was quite shocked with her fighting style. Akiko body was flexible and easy to bend so she was quite agile in the spar because of how easily she dodge most of the hit that her father send to her. Some still managed to land but Fugaku praised her for lasting longer than what he expected. To say she was happy with the compliment was an understatement. Now she can somehow relate with Sasuke in the show that starve for his father attention. When her parents praised her, it gave a warm feeling in her chest so she strives to make them proud.

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