Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Genin qualifications test (part 1)

"Whoever managed to scratch me will pass the test."

And that's how the three children end up with bruise all over their body. But despite the stinging sensation every time they move, their face was adorned by a large grin, showing just how satisfied they were by their results.

«Two hours ago»

"May I ask what do you mean by that?" A slightly alarmed Daichi asked, looking suspicious at the grinning man in front of him.

"Oh it's exactly how it sounds." Ryuu said, his grin widened, "Most of the academy graduate will failed the test to become a genin and sent back to the academy for another year. That means the three of you wasn't a qualified genin yet. It's up to me whether I will sent you back to the academy or not."

Shirota frowned, "What kind of troublesome nonsense is that? Then what is the purpose of graduating academy if this is what await us? What a drag..." He heaved a sigh.

Ryuu expression suddenly turned serious, "And you expect me to let all of you become a genin if this is how you act? Whining like a little bitch won't get you anywhere. Try doing that on the battlefield and you'll find yourselves missing a head. Do you think everything is a child play?! We're currently at war and this village will have to deploy every able soldier to the battlefield, genin to jonin, every ninja included. Don't think just because you're still a kid and only a genin, you will have a privileges to act childish at this serious time. As we speak, more blood has been spilled yet all you think is just whining? Grow the fuck up! No one got a time to spare to teach bunch of shit like you. If you want to become a shinobi then shut the fuck up and fight. If you're a fucking pussy then just get lost!"

Daichi and Shirota straighten their body, their eyes showed fear and recognition. Meanwhile, Akiko still sat calmly, looking like she don't care at anything that was happening. But inside her head was a war that only she can win. A war that decided the fate of this world. The only person who can change it was her, because she has a knowledge of everything that will happen. Yet everytime she thought about it, her burden keep getting heavier. She unconsciously clenched her hand until it turn white but other than that, her outward appearance seem calm and composed. After all, she can't afford losing control of herself right now.

Ryuu looked at the children's reaction, "Tell me, why do you wish to become a ninja?"

They went silent, rethinking about the reason they choose this dangerous occupation. At last, Shirota was the first one to speak.

"I....want to make an impact to the world. I want to be recognized as someone who died as a hero. Well, not exactly as a hero but you may know what I mean by that. This doesn't sound like a Nara but I wish that, even in my death, I will always be remembered as a good person. I know this sounds stupid and troublesome but this is what I truly wish for. The current me can't make any impact and if I were to die, I will always be remember as 'that one kid'. I don't want that. Even if it means losing my sleep, I will never stop." Shirota said, eyes shining with determination. Ryuu silently stared at him with appraising eyes causing Shirota to fidget slightly but still maintained eye contact. Ryuu closed his eyes and nod, as if approving something.

"Quite a big ambition for someone as lazy as a Nara but not bad at all." Ryuu added. Shirota tense shoulder relaxed slightly, "then what about the two of you?" He asked, looking at Daichi and Akiko.

Daichi clenched his teeth and spoke, "I wish to prove to everyone that I'm not a failure. I hated to be compared with my eldest brother. Even if it means risking my life in the battlefield, I would take it so that I can show everyone that even I can do it. I refuse to stay as a failure of branch family."

Ryuu nodded, "Better prove it then. Then, how about you, little girl?"

Akiko stayed silent, her gaze stared on the floor. A few minutes passed before she finally uttered something, "I..." She started, "I wish for a world....peace. Where everyone unite and form a bond of trust. No more unnecessary bloodshed needed. Just peace. And to gain that, I need to become stronger, much more stronger than anyone, so that I can carry the burden, the pain of the world."

Everyone was silent after she finished her statement. They stared at her as if she just sprout a new head. A chuckled then escaped Ryuu's lips.

"That was such a childish dream. There's no way a little girl like you can gain something so impossible like that. Keep dreaming kid."

But Akiko determined gaze never wavered, "I do know that it was quite naive of me to think I can gain peace. But it's never hurt to try. Even if I die in the way, it would be much better because in the end, I know that I did try. I do not care what you think about me because I do not give up easily. This is my ninja way. I will not let anyone tell me otherwise."

Ryuu silently stared at her before a smirk appeared on his lips.

"You're serious."

"I never said that I was joking." Akiko retorted.

This time, Ryuu ended up laughing so hard until tears appeared on the corner of his eyes. He finally stopped laughing after a few seconds and grinned at the girl.

"I like you, Uchiha. Do it then and better do it seriously. Don't just bark and no bite. I will make sure to see it by myself when you change the world for the better."

A smile graced Akiko's lips as she enthusiastically said, "yes, sir!!"

"Looks like all of you are determined to become a genin huh." Ryuu grinned, "Then I will give you one hour."

Daichi raised his fine eyebrow, "One hour? For what?"

Ryuu pointed his thumb on his chest, "In one hour, whoever managed to scratch me will pass the test," he smirk, "and officially become a genin."


"Is he near?" Akiko asked, all while scanning the trees surrounding her.

Daichi took a glance at her before focusing back to searched the presence of their teacher with his Byakugan, "Do not worry, he's nowhere near our position."

Shirota sighed, "How troublesome....that guy was really trying to kill us."

Akiko went silent. Her thoughts were in jumble. They need to think of a plan to scratch a full grown jonin but she can't think of anything. That guy literally blow the whole training ground to pieces. How the heck are they gonna scratch a damn monster?!!

When she felt a familiar presence, she went pale.

"Nara" Akiko called out.

"Huh?" Shirota inquired with lazy tone.

"Making strategies is Nara's expertise. Can you make a foolproof plan while we distract that guy? I'll give you five minutes. That's how long Hyuga and I can manage to hold him."

"What do you mean? I can't sense him near us." Daichi questioned

"Did you forgot that he can use seals? His seals prevent you from seeing him. On top of that, he even placed a genjutsu on himself. Unfortunately for him, Uchiha is a natural genjutsu sensor. I may not have my sharingan yet but I already sense him a while ago......though it may be too late."

"What do yo--" Shirota started but was cut off by a familiar teasing voice.

"Looks like I was detected. As expected of a prodigy but you're right. It's too late." Just as Ryuu finished saying that, he smirk as his hand form a seal and he explode.

Akiko managed to grabbed the scruff of her teammates clothing before the placed they once sat explode. Her complexion went even paler at the damage that was caused by Ryuu's explosive tags. She literally saw her life flashing before her eyes. Thank god that her instinct react faster than her mind.

"Remember Nara, five minutes." With that said, Daichi and Akiko left Shirota to think of a plan while they distract the demon teacher.

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