Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The War

The war broke out in the middle of the year just as Akiko predicted. People was panicking and tension engulfed the whole village. More shinobi was send in the front lines including Fugaku. Akiko was worried. She know that Fugaku survive this war in the show but this is reality and she was scared something will happen to him. Her house was silent before but now it was as if no one lives in it. The dinner wasn't like before. Everyone in the village was solemn, nervously waiting for the return of their loved ones.

Children was forced to graduate early, including Akiko. She was nervous and frankly speaking, was scared shitless. She knew that Obito will supposedly lost his life in this war and she was still trying to come up a way to avoid it from happening. She truly want to save Obito but by doing that, Kakashi won't have the sharingan and she will end up destroying the whole story plot which was a dangerous action. If the story was destroyed, she might end up destroying the world or saving it. It was a gamble. If Obito didn't 'die', Madara might find a new victim to do his bidding and whoever that person be might end up destroying the whole world for real.

As the results of her inner struggle, Akiko was losing sleep. Dark bags appeared under her eye as she continued carrying the burden of whole world. She was tired. She want everything to stop already. Why must she be reborn in the first place? She didn't want this life. She didn't want this burden. She didn't want this pain. The pain that she will receive knowing the decision she will make surely make her regret forever. She hated it. Why must it be her? Why can't it be someone else? Why?

She had decided what to do. She will regret it until she die but she didn't want to be the reason of world destruction if she didn't do it. She will have to leave Obito to 'die' just like in the series. She really want to cry. Will it worth it though? She doesn't know. Will it be killing her inside? Of course. This was for the best. Even if it will killed her in the inside, at least she can still prevent something from happening if she still had an inkling of what will happen next.

'Obito won't die. He was saved so he didn't really die. My decision didn't kill him for real. It's okay. I didn't kill him. He will stay alive. I will save him.' she tried to convinced herself though it only served to fuel her already massive guilt. It felt like she was purposely causing grief to Kakashi. It felt like she let Obito become a tool for her to use. She truly felt horrible. She felt disgusted with herself.

God, she wished that she would stay dead after all.



Akiko slid her gaze to Itachi as he approached her silent figure that was sitting alone on the porch. Akiko flashed him a weak smile before leaving his gaze to stared at the moon once again. Dark bags lined up under her gaze as she continued lost in her thoughts, forgetting the presence of her little brother.

Itachi knew something was wrong. He had never seen his sister act like this. It all start a month ago when their father was send on the front lines. Since then, he noticed that his sister started losing sleep and always lost in her thoughts with unreadable emotions in her eyes. He was concerned. Their mother, Mikoto noticed it too but decided to not questioned it and gave some time for her daughter to managed her thoughts. After a week, Mikoto started getting concerned with her daughter condition and often asked about Akiko's health only to received the same repeated 'i'm fine' every time she asked. Shisui tried to distracted Akiko from her thoughts only to be disappointed at the end of the day.

Itachi also noticed that his sister keep mumbling things that didn't make any much sense. She always mutter the word 'plot' and 'sacrifice'. He always wondered what does that mean but his sister only shrugged it off by saying 'it's nothing'.

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