Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Dango

Hiruzen was tired. He was tired since decades ago. Ever since he became the hokage, he always wondered whether his choice was correct or not. He never had anticipated that those dreaded things will be waiting him inside the office once he was named as the third hokage. For a year or two, he can stand it because he knew that this thing was also a crucial part of ruling a village. But now he dreaded it every single day. Even seeing one of them almost making him cry. He just hope that in a few years, his wish to retire from being a hokage come true. He even managed to find a suitable person to do it too. He will need those vacation soon.

Time ticks by as he continue signing the dreaded spawn of demon called 'paperwork'. Hell, he even faced those tailed beast if it means that he can escape signing this shit. He just need a distraction, something that can take his mind away for a second from those things. He stared at the door with heated gaze, hoping that someone, anyone, will enter that door to distract him for a second. He even accept Onoki as his guest if that what's it takes to get rid of these fucking sheet. He had a nightmare of being forced to do paperwork without rest that made him scarred for life and he was a hokage. Truly, he really wish that he didn't accept this title so easily. This is must be why Tobirama-sensei looked so relieved after he handed down the hat.

He was so lost in his thoughts that it takes someone to knock on the door to actually snapped him out of his trance. He felt happy that he almost cry. To think that god granted his wish made him happy. He hoped that whoever behind those door will take more of his time. He even allowed it if they were to distract him until midnight. That's just showed how desperate he was in finding a distraction.

"Enter." He said while pretending to look busy by signing some paperwork. He couldn't have his people to see him as a lazy old man now.

The door opened and enter a familiar looking person. Hiruzen admit that he find it amusing to make the man in front of him suffer. The first one was by assigning him as an academy teacher. The betrayed look on his face was priceless that Hiruzen was having a hard time to not laugh. He brought it upon himself after all. Who told him to be a lazy guy that only goes out the house to find food? Certainly not Hiruzen. The man may be chunin but his skills was on par with Jonin. Hiruzen once try to persuade him to take the Jonin exam but he refused, saying that if he were to become a Jonin then he won't have time to lay and take a nap for more than an hour. Hiruzen swears that the man acted like a Nara sometimes.

"Ah Saito, what brings you here?" Hiruzen said with a smile, if not for the amused glint in his eyes, Saito may have mistake the man as innocent but he knew that his Hokage was far from innocent. He, after all just take away Saito's precious nap time just so that he do something productive. Truly a divine punishment.

"Sorry to bother you when you're busy signing your precious paperwork, hokage-sama. I will make sure to take only a little bit of your time so that you can continue doing your job." While saying this, the smirk on Saito's face never wavered, in fact it only widened when he saw Hiruzen twitching eye.

Hiruzen sighed, "Alright, what is it?"

Saito's playful demeanor immediately changed to serious as his fixed his gaze on Hiruzen. "I would like to request for Akiko Uchiha to skip grade." He immediately went straight to the point.

Hiruzen gazed sharpened after hearing Saito's statement. He knew that the war was approaching but he still did not like the idea of preparing child soldiers. He recognised the name as soon it escaped Saito's lips. Akiko Uchiha was the Uchiha's heiress and supposedly only three years old. And today was her first day at the academy but was already recommended to skipped grade. She enter the academy even earlier than Kakashi Hatake, White Fang's son. If she were to graduate early, she will no doubt be the youngest genin in history. Hiruzen didn't want that. No matter how desperate the village was in need of soldiers, he still wished that children to enjoy their own childhood. But he also need to think about the village and now, they're still lacking soldiers so no doubt that children will be forced to graduate more earlier than anticipated. This is one of the reason he hated war.

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