Chapter 14.1

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Chapter 14.1: Extra

That day marked as three months of her teammates death. Akiko was doing better most of the time but the crushing guilt inside of her sometimes dampened her mood. The guilt was too overwhelming for her to handle that it worried everyone including Shisui.

So he came up with a plan to help her forget about it.

Before that though, he need her to leave her room for it to proceed which was proved quite a difficult task to do. After all, he's been trying for fifteen minutes already.

"Come on, Aki-chan~" Shisui whined as he keep trying and failing to make his cousin exited her room, "Let's just go outside today. I'll treat you some takoyaki in return." The sound of footsteps can be heard inside the room and a sly smile appeared on his face. He knew that she'd take the bait. She won't refused her favorite food after all.

The door opened slightly revealing a disheveled Akiko. Shisui immediately wiped of his smile and replaced it with a frowned, obviously concerned with the well-being of his cousin.

"You don't look that well. Maybe we should do it tomorrow?" Shisui immediately changed his mind. She looked really pale that he felt guilty for trying to force her to do something with him.

"It's okay." Akiko shrugged of his concern, opening her door wider than before to exited her room, "I really need to stop getting depressed. I also want my takoyaki so lead the way."

".....alright then"


"So...." Shisui started, "how are you these days?"

"Great!!" Akiko answered with fake enthusiasm before a blank expression replaced it the next second, "so great that I want to kill myself over it."

Shisui flinched, chuckling awkwardly, "Don't be so negative, dear cousin." He then change the subject, "How about we have some ramen? You still haven't eat anything right?"

"I want Takoyaki!"

He sweat dropped, "yeah of course. I'll treat you it after we eat lunch okay?"

"You better be or else--" Akiko started before she abruptly stopped walking in the middle of the road, "what the hell?"

Shisui looked at her with confused gaze before switching his gaze toward the place his cousin's focusing on. There he saw a shameless man peeking inside the bathhouse or more specifically, women's bathhouse. His long white hair swinging behind him as he move side by side with perverted expression on his face.

"A pervert? In the middle of the day? How stupid." Shisui grumbled as he approached the grinning man from behind. But before he even had a chance to reprimand the stranger, Akiko's voice stop him on his track.

"There's a pervert peeking inside the bathhouse!!" She screamed, her unfamiliar shrill voice made Shisui flinch slightly. Women screams can be heard inside the bathhouse as they immediately ran out after Akiko's exclamation.

"What the-?! Why would you do that?!!", The stranger asked, looking aggravated, "you just interrupt me from my research!!"

"How peculiar." Akiko said, "I never knew a Sannin could be so shameless as to peek inside the women's bathhouse." She scoffed.

"I already told you! It's for research material!" The man tried to explain himself, "Wait, how did you know I'm a sannin?" He wondered out loud, "I never knew my handsomeness will be this widely known"

"No not that, never that, and it'll never be that", She flatly denied.

"At least sugarcoat it will ya?" The man muttered with a depressed expression.

"If I do, then I would be lying."

"Cheeky brat" Jiraiya mumbled with irritated expression.

"Anyway, why are you here, Jiraiya-sama?" Shisui asked, hiding the disgust he felt for the man before because of his title.

"Like I said before, I was researching before two brats came and INTERRUPT me." Jiraiya answered bitterly.

"We're sorry for that but we can't exactly ignore it either. Akiko sighed, "I can't believe you're a part of the legendary Sannin."

"Would you quit criticizing me?!! I swear all the Uchiha are so damn rude!"

"You're just too lame for us to respect. We only respect those who earned it." Akiko replied smugly, "and clearly you aren't one of them." At the end of her sentence, Shisui ended up snickering, unable to hold it in anymore.

"Argh, talking with brats like you making me older!!" Jiraiya grunted, scratching his head harshly in irritation.

"You're already old. Don't flatter yourself."

"Ugh, I need to go. I've got better things to do than entertaining rude brats." But before Jiraiya even took a step away, a question stop him in his track.

"So did you find anything about my last mission?" Akiko abruptly asked.

Jiraiya stared at her with suspicious eyes before sighing, "unfortunately I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't make me laugh." Akiko scoffed, "There's no way the best spy such as you will waste your time in the village just doing those 'research' of yours. You're too busy for that, even though appearance can be quite deceiving."

"I don't appreciate that last comment but you're right. The Hokage already told me that you're a prodigy but it seems that you're much sharper than I thought." Jiraiya commented.

"Quit chit-chatting, just tell me what you know."

"You're such a demanding brat." He sighed, "Very well, follow me. You deserve to know because this involved you directly."

"Umm..." a voice called out, "are you sure this is not confidential?" Shisui asked, "also, why are you discussing this when I'm still here? Am I allowed to hear it?"

"Of course this is confidential but this brat(Akiko) need to know as this involved her. The Hokage against it but I think otherwise." Jiraiya explained, "also, this brat doesn't seem to mind you being here so it means that you're trustworthy. If she allow you to join then I don't mind."

"Let's just follow him, Sui-chan." Akiko approve.

"Okay then"


•It's been a while since I last posted new chapter. I said that I won't be doing any new chapter before I finish my big exam but I feel bad for not posting anything so I just make this extra chapter. I have to separate it into two parts because I can't seem to write anymore. My motivation just so low that I don't have any energy to write more than this.•

•Btw, this extra chapter is quite important for main story so I hope you read it.•

•Thanks for still reading this book.•

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