Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: First mission (part 3)

Akiko walked around the village with Itachi on her shoulder, munching his dango happily. She smiled fondly as she continued listening to his talk about his day.

"Aki-chan!" A familiar voice called out from behind her. She heaved out a sigh before turning her body around to face her grinning cousin.

"Sui-kun, what are you doing here?" Akiko asked. Akiko was glad to see him again. It's been a while since they last met and after she graduated, the thought of meeting Shisui slipped her mind because of how focused she was toward training.

"I went to Obaa-san house to meet you but she said that you went out with Itachi so I searched everywhere for you." He explained before pouting when he saw Itachi sitting on Akiko's shoulder, "Itachi been taking too much of your time. Spend some with me too." He whined.

"Sure." Was Akiko immediate reply.

"You always say no to me. I just want to spen--" he stopped and blinked twice, "what did you say?"

"I said sure." Akiko repeated, looking amused by Shisui's reaction. He's so cute, gaping at her word like that.

"What happened to you?! You never accepted it before!" He shouted, pointing accusing finger to Akiko, "Who are you?!!"

Akiko let out exasperated sigh before chuckling, "Now you're making me guilty. I just want to spend time with my cousin before going on a mission."

Shisui put down his hand and focused his attention to his female cousin, tilting his head to the side before asking, "Mission? What mission?"

"My team was given a mission today and I will be gone maximum for three days."

Shisui frowned,"Outside the village? A C-rank? But you're a Genin!"

Akiko sighed again, knowing that she has caused her cousin to be worried again. This boy sure is overprotective of her when it's about her safety.

"You know our situation. War spare no one."

"But, what if you get hurt?!! You just graduated Akiko!!" Shisui gritted his teeth as he glared at the girl in front of him.

Akiko flinched slightly, knowing how serious Shisui was. He only pronounced her full name when he was serious which was a rare case.

"It can't be help. I will get hurt sooner or later. No need to worry about me. It's just a simple mission." Akiko said softly, coaxing him to calmed down.

Shisui sighed, "Alright, but you have to promise me that you'll be careful." He said, still with his serious demeanor, "I really don't have a good feeling about this mission so don't get distracted."

Akiko smiled and nodded her head, "I will."

Shisui's serious expression broke as he grinned widely, "Now let's spend some time together."

Itachi stayed silence the whole interaction between his older and his cousin. He knew that they're discussing something important and chose to not interrupt them. Now that the tension finally eased up, he continued munching his sweet treat.


"Everyone ready?" Ryuu asked as he faced the genin. His expression was grim and no sign of his usual expression can be traced on it. He had a bad feeling about this mission and his feelings never once betrayed him before so he will need to be prepared of anything that will happen once they exited the village's gate.

The genin noticed their teacher's unusual expression but they didn't commented on it and just nodded their head.

"Good." Ryuu sighed, "Outside of this village is a battlefield so I want all of you to ready yourself. Don't let your guard down even for a second you hear me?" Upon the children nod, he gave them a small smile, totally contrasting from his usual smile but this time it was more genuine, "We're going to come back home alive. All of us."

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