Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Genin qualifications test (part 2)

"I'm surprised you managed to notice the genjutsu I place on my clone. Even if it's only a c-rank genjutsu, it is still quite hard to notice even for a chunin." Ryuu remarked as he continued to dodge the series of assault from the two children. "Too bad that you noticed it late though."

Akiko smirked, bending her body backward to avoid a high kick from the older male before sending her own set of attack, "I only detect it the last second though because of how faint it is. If I notice it any later, I may end up becoming tonight's dinner." She said then abruptly moving her body to the side to avoid a barrage of kunai that attacked her from behind, "Oops, that was close. Gotta keep an eye on the clone too." She chuckled then started coughing after receiving a hard blow on her stomach.

Daichi frowned slightly, clearly disturbed by his teammate's statement, "That was kind of disturbing, Uchiha. Why would anyone even eat a cooked human?" He threw his head to the side to avoid a punch that was send to him but was too late to reacted to the next punch that was sent directly on his face and he ended up having a bruise on his cheek with blood dripping from the cut on his lips.

Akiko was having a hard time breathing after receiving another kick on her chest but still managed to talk, "It does...sounds kinda disturbing....but let's just focus for now. I hope that Nara.....already had a plan, I don't think I can.....hold on any longer."

Daichi spat blood on the ground then wipe his lips, "Agree."

Just as Daichi finished speaking, a barrage of kunai and shuriken was send directly to Ryuu's figure. Ryuu dodge all of it then retreated a few step, smirking when he saw Shirota standing in front of Daichi and Akiko.

"Emergency meeting...what a drag" Shirota commented before he threw something on the ground, resulting smoke to appeared. When the smoke finally gone, all the children no longer there.

Ryuu smirked, "well, I'll let them be for now. Let's see what their plan is."


Akiko coughed after accidentally inhaling some of the smoke, "Must you make your appearance that dramatic? Also warn me first before you use smoke bomb, I almost died from suffocating." She complained.

"Troublesome....." Shirota muttered

Daichi rested his Byakugan after feeling the strain it cause quite unbearable then spoke, "So, did you form any plan, Nara?"

Shirota went silent.

"Nara?" Akiko called out, a confused expression plastered on her face.

"Right...I got one but..." Shirota trailed off.

"Just get straight to the point! We don't have much time!!" Daichi snapped. He glanced at his surrounding, feeling slightly vulnerable after shutting off his Byakugan.

"This plan only got twenty-four percent chance of success. If that guy managed to noticed it, we're done. Still willing to go with it?" Shirota questioned, still keeping his eyes in front of him.

"Twenty-four percent...." Akiko muttered, "Well, we just need to go with it. It's better than nothing." She said.

Daichi went silent for a moment before he nodded his head, "Just tell us the plan. We need every advantage we have to even scratch him. At least, there is still twenty-four percent that the plan will work. We need to risk it."

"Alright....we need to find a hiding place first before we proceed with the plan." Shirota informed before increasing his pace with his teammates following behind him.

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