Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Baby brother

Akiko was two years old when he was born. The boy was so cute and innocent that immediately gave her the need to protect him from harm. She absolutely adored him and would hovered him at any chance she got.

The first time he open his eyes, Akiko felt as if the world stop around her. He look so pure that made her wonder how did he managed to kill even one person. She loved him since the first time she met him. She swore to herself that she will do no matter what just to protect him from the world's ugliness.

"His name will be Itachi Uchiha." Fugaku stated, while looking at his newborn son with stoic face. But the look in his eyes told a different thing.

" is a great name" Mikoto agreed, looking weak and tired as she smile slightly at the sight her daughter hovering her newborn sibling.

"Itachi..." Akiko drawled out. She looked the baby with fond eyes as she reached out her hand toward his. Her smile grow wider as tear pricked her eyes when Itachi's small hand capture her finger.

'I won't let you suffer again Itachi. This time, let your sister do the honor to protect you.'


"Is that my baby cousin?" Shisui high-pitched voice asked when he finally met a month old Itachi. "He's so cute!"

"Course he's cute. He's my baby brother." Akiko answered, looking smug for some reason.

"And now he's my baby cousin, I get to play with him too."

"No." A sense of protectiveness filled Akiko as she glared Shisui, though it didn't have any effect because she just look cute doing that.

"Why not?" Shisui whined, looking pitifully at his female cousin.

"He's my baby brother. Not yours."



She was three years old when she finally saw Kakashi again. This time he was walking with three other person near him whom after a close inspection, she recognized as his teammates.

The guy looks like he was ready to die by how resigned he looked. A male with blonde hair, which she recognized as Minato Namikaze, chuckled at his students antics. The girl with short brown haired that she remembered call Rin Nohara, copied her sensei action while dutifully followed three males in front of her. And last but not least was Obito Uchiha, her favourite character in the show. He was talking almost comically while sporting a huge grin. He look like a sun itself.(though that was her biased speaking.)

She approached them slowly and the first person to noticed her was Kakashi who immediately scowled at her appearance, no surprise there considering what she said years ago. The guy could really hold a grudge. Next was Minato, who stopped immediately when he noticed her approaching their way. After Minato it was Obito, who upon noticing her, stood still on his track. No doubt he already knew her from the clan. And the last person to noticed her was Rin, though Akiko paid no mind to her whatsoever. She disliked Rin with passion. It was because of her that Obito snapped. She only paid attention to Kakashi and never to Obito. She obviously know Obito's feeling about her and yet she still left him hanging. At least she should have politely reject him. It may hurt him for a while but he can finally move on. But she just let him be and give false hope to Obito. Truly, Akiko can't stand her.

"Akiko-sama." Obito called out before bowing his head. Akiko's frown at his action and was trying to correct him but was cut off by Kakashi.

"Why are you bowing your head at a brat, stupid?" Kakashi chastised, obviously not knowing her position as the heiress.

"Shut up Bakashi! Akiko-sama is the Uchiha clan heiress." Obito hissed while still bowing his head.

"Obito-san." Akiko started, surprising Obito that she knew his name, "no need to bow at me. You're older than me and it feels weird to see my idol to bow his head at me."

"I-wha-your idol?!" His shocked expression was quiet hilarious to see but she hold in her laughter. She didn't want Obito to think that she was joking with him.

"Of course, tou-sama often praised you for being a great ninja. I, myself thought that you will be even more powerful in the future." Akiko grinned, completely ignoring the other three people presence.

A scoff can be heard from Kakashi but no one paid attention to him, except Rin.

'oh if only you know Kakashi...' Akiko chuckled inwardly.

"Thank you..." A slight blush adorned his face as he tried to look everywhere other than her. He scratched the back of his neck indicating he was nervous. "It means a lot to me, Akiko-sama."

Akiko's frown once again visible as she stared disapprovingly at Obito, "drop the 'sama'. It feels weird."

" 'Akiko-san' alright?" He asked unsurely

"I was hoping that you will addressed me as Akiko only but if you feel uncomfortable then I won't force you."

"Thank you, Akiko-san"

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