Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: First mission (Part 1)

"It's been a week since we graduated yet we still haven't receive any mission. Why is that?" Daichi asked as he evaded an attack that was sent from Akiko.

"Yeah I was wondering the same thing." Shirota said, flinching when he received a hard punch on his stomach by Daichi, "I think it's because we just graduated and needed some training first before doing mission. I don't think the village will waste their ninja to do D-rank in this desperate time so I'm sure our first mission will be C-rank which is too troublesome for me. Maybe they're preparing us or something."

Akiko jumped slightly to avoid Daichi's leg that was aiming her's. She then turned her body to the side to dodge another attack that was send behind her by Shirota, "Don't worry too much. This training is good too so it's not like we're wasting our time. We need to polish our fighting style first before thinking of doing any C-rank mission."

Blow was exchanged between the new graduated Genin. Sweat trickle down their body that was caused by extensive training plus the blazing sun that shone upon them. They've been having this spar for two hours already and it seems like they were reaching their limit. They pushed their body to the limit, not a second wasted as they dance around each other with weapon in hand.

The first one to collapse on the ground was Shirota, clearly tired from the spar. His face was flushed and sweat covered his whole body. He sat up to picked up his water bottle that was placed under the tree shade, drinking it greedily as if he never tasted water in his whole life. A sigh escaped his lips then proceed to lay on the ground again, all while overlooking his other teammates that was engaged in intense spar.

"Even looking at you two make me tired. This is troublesome..." Shirota complained before yawning slightly, "Tell me when you're finished. I need my nap to survive." With that said, he placed his arms under his head as a makeshift pillow before slowly closing his eyes.

Daichi and Akiko ignored their other teammates and focused on the spar. Both of them were already at their limit but still pushed their body to move and fight. Both were unwilling to lose because of their excessive pride that ran through their clan. At first Akiko was ready to give up because there's no way her small body can hold on any longer. But she changed her mind when she saw a smirk plastered on Daichi's face. It makes her blood boil because of how smug his expression was. Against her better judgement, she continued to pushed her body to fight him, in hope that she can erase that damn smirk from his face.

Three hours came by and both of them finally collapsed on the ground, desperately sucking as many oxygen then can. They almost looked like a drown fish. After finishing their own water supply, they let out a sigh of relief.

"That's six wins and five loses for me." Daichi smugly commented, looking at the panting girl next to him.

Akiko glared at him, clicking her tongue before standing up with a slight difficulty. She approached the napping Nara and kicked his side as hard as she can, earning a surprised grunt from the said boy. Shirota curled his body in pain, clutching his side with pitiful expression.

"What was that for?" He asked, still trying to soothe his hurting body.

Akiko just shrugged and playing innocent, speaking in a high pitched tone that almost made Shirota and Daichi flinch, "I don't know what you're talking about. My feet just slipped."

Shirota sighed as he stood up, looking at Akiko with resigned expression, "Don't just vent your anger on me. It's not my fault that you lose horribl-" his words was cut off when he received a painful kick on his leg. He immediately crouched down and hugged his leg, whimpering slightly, "you violent girl..."

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