Chapter 14.2

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Chapter 14.2: Extra

The three of them ended up finding themselves in the corner of a restaurant that was rarely seated by any customer. Jiraiya activate a seal to blocked of the sound before proceeding his talk with Akiko and Shisui.

"As you've already know, the mission that was given to you was C rank. Although there's still a chance for it to go wrong but at that time, the chance was low. After all, another professional team was already sent out earlier before yours to check out the situation. Your team was send there only to confirm it for the second time." Jiraiya explained, his serious expression was enough to make both children to pay attention to every word he said.

Akiko clenched her fingers, "Then why?" she asked, slightly trembling as she recalled what happened that day.

Jiraiya sighed before dropping the bomb, "There's a traitor." he said, watching as the children expression changed slightly, "Unfortunately, I still can't find them that's why I come back. But what I'm sure of, they're targeting you, Akiko."

Akiko's hands trembled from the force that she use to clench it. She already guess as much. Her existence created a butterfly effect and it's affecting everyone around her. Something this major, didn't even happen in the canon yet because of her, her whole team almost got annihilated.

'It was a mistake.' she thought to herself, 'me being here was a big mistake'

"why are you so sure that they're targeting Aki-chan?" Shisui question broke her out of her thoughts as she returned her gaze towards Jiraiya.

Jiraiya went quiet before once again letting out a heavy sigh, "we found a survivor that night but unfortunately it's from the enemy side," Jiraiya immediately said the last part after seeing a hopeful expression on Akiko's face.

Akiko's eyes dulled immediately before voicing her thoughts, "and they told the truth that easily?"

Jiraiya explained, "of course, it takes a few convincing....methods for him to finally say something but in the end, he said that a mysterious person went to them to offer their help in exchange for your life. But apparently, even he didn't know why he follow the stranger's order. It was as if he was manipulated to do as he was told."

"that was....strange" Shisui muttered

Akiko frowned slightly. She have lived in this world not even for five years yet there's already someone who hate her enough to want to kill her? She's a child though?!?!

"is there any other information?" Akiko asked after a few moments of silence.

Jiraiya can be seen to hesitate slightly as if fighting his inner demon. After a few seconds of contemplating, he finally sigh and turn his gaze toward Akiko. Akiko tensed slightly when a serious gaze was directed to her.

"That nara.....may still be alive." he hesitantly stated, "The chance is low but we can't count out the possibility."

Akiko breath hitched, her eyes widen when she heard what Jiraiya has said.

Shisui frowned slightly, "There could still be some possibility that his body ended up....beyond recognition after blowing off the tags." his eyes wandered toward Akiko to see if his words affect her. Thankfully it didn't.

"we did thought of that too but, there's a trace of his chakra away from the scene" Jiraiya explained, "it was quite faint. Though it seems that he was rescued by someone considering there is also another unfamiliar chakra near his."

"what?!" Akiko immediately stood up from her seat, "Why didn't you track them then?!!"

Jiraiya shook his head, "we did track them but halfway through our tracking, the chakra just suddenly stop and disappear, as if they teleported."

"It is possible that they're trying to lure you by dragging around Akiko's teammates body on his dying breath right?" Shisui asked

"It is possible," Jiraiya nodded, "That's why I said the chance is low. If he did survive, it would simply be a miracle."

Akiko's hopeful eyes diminished once again. She ruffled her hair and sighed loudly, acting like she already lived for a long time.

Shisui watched her action silently as he rubbed her back to soothe her raging emotions.

" that all?" she asked after a long silence.

"yes" was what Jiraiya simply said.

"Alright" she left her seat, "Thank you for that, old man. See you next time." With that, she left the restaurant with Shisui by her side.

Jiraiya just shook his head to express his displeasure, "damn brat"


"are you....okay, Aki-chan?" Shisui tentatively asked, eyes filled with worries.

His original intention was to make her cheer up in this outing but instead it seems to have worsen her mood more.

"Well..." she shrugged, "I didn't have much hope for it to begin with."

Shisui flinch slightly when he detected coldness in Akiko's voice.

" you still want that Takoyaki?"

"hell yeah!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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