C h a p t e r T w e l v e - O n e W e e k & T h r e e D a y s B e f o r e

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1 Week & 3 Days Before:

Liam, Jessamy and I have been here all night long. We've waited hours and hours for someone to tell us something about Zayn but all they say is, he's still in too critical of condition which basically means we cannot see him not until he's stable.

But we know which room he is in. It wasn't really a good idea to know because an alarm would go off nearly every hour, sometimes twice because he's heart had stopped. He'll be lucky to leave this place in a wheelchair or even live for that matter.

It's currently 2 am. Liam has passed out cold on the row of seats beside me, while Jessamy and I are awake. She hasn't said a word for hours, since we arrived and I'm actually worried about her. She hasn't done anything, not eaten, drank or even moved an inch. She's stayed in the same seat.

I cough in an attempt to catch her attention and she does as she looks up at me. I smile at her but I don't get one in return. 'Er... Stupid question but how you doing?' I ask awkwardly.

She stares at me with an emotionless face. She shrugs 'how do you think I'm feeling? My boyfriend's practically lying on his death bed.' She mutters angrily towards me, I see her clench her hands into fists. 'S-sorry.' She mumbles.

She drops her head down bringing her hands to her face, sighing loudly then sniffling. I stand up and walk over to where she is sitting, I take a seat beside her pulling her in for a side hug. 'Let it all out.' I whisper to her and she does, she turns slightly grabbing a fistful on my shirt and crying on my shoulder.

'What if he doesn't make it?' She sobs, I rub circles on her back in a calm and soothing manor. 'What if I never see him again?' She cries harder letting out things she shouldn't really think about. I know it's hard to think about the positives but they're better than the negatives.

'H-he'll be alright.' I mumble not too sure if it was the best thing to say as I cannot be too sure whether he will be or not. She lifts her head as she looks up at me through her wet lashes. 'H-how do y-you k-know?' She asks.

I think for a moment not taking too long as she's staring at me still 'because if I know Zayn as well as I think I do, he'll be late coming round like normal.' I say to lighten the mood slightly. She smiles slightly shaking her head.

'Let's just hope he's late then.' She smiles and laughs quietly.

The room falls silent par me and Jessamy talking for the first time in ages. We never really spoke to one another, so I haven't gotten to know her like how I know Rosie. I felt bad but she always kept herself to herself likewise I kept myself to myself.

It's now 4 am and I'm the only one awake Jessamy fell asleep at around 3 am and Liam fell asleep ages ago giving me chance to think things over. From now on I need to stay in the good books of the hooded guy otherwise this will all happen again.

I still need to talk to Josh but I haven't seen him or even spoke to him since the dinner. I have a deep down feeling in the pit of my stomach that he knew something, hence the reason why he's not showing his face around.

I only think he has something to do with it because he seemed to know the hooded guy as he spoke to him a few days ago like he knew him, like they're long lost brothers. Since that day he'd been acting strange, he clung to me and hated it when I'd do something with the others or invite them along too. He didn't like the idea of sharing me. Oh god, it sounds like we are in a relationship.

I may go over to his later to confront him, if not tomorrow. I still need to question him about Lucas and I may ask more about him and his dad. It seems weird how they're hear and since they arrived a load of shit has happened and it's all affecting me and those close around me.

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