E p i l o g u e

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I open my eyes to have to shut them tightly again. I feel heat on my skin. I frown opening my eyes slowly to adjust to the light. I bring my hands to shield my eyes from the sun light. I from more so. Sun slight? I'm outside. Just then I feel a soft, cool breeze. I sit up quickly, opening my eyes to glance around the area to see I'm in a nearby park in the middle of the town centre. How did I get here? I stand up slowly, turning around in a circle taking in the area. A frown never leaving my face. I'm just so confused. I swore I was just in a basement with the hooded guy.

Wait did Josh actually die? Maybe this was all a dream. I must've passed out or something when I walked away. Yeah, that's what happened none of this actually happened this was just a bad dream. It doesn't make sense how I ended up here though. I take a slow walk back towards my house which is about a 10 minute walk from here. I look as I cross the street before walking across the road. I stick my hands into my pocket as I see a stone kicking it into the road remembering the last time I did this I nearly ended up getting hit by a car, no wait I did get hit by a car. It's weird to think that, that only happened last week.

I glance to my left to see that the school is closed which is weird as it's a Tuesday. It should be open. It looks eerie with it being closed. I stare as I walk, maybe something happened. I shrug it off, looking left and right before crossing the road again, ending up on my road. As I walk down I notice that there are a lot of police cars parked alongside the road, near my house. I quicken my pace to see an officer enter and leave the house. Why is there police going into my house? I go to run but a white piece of paper flutters in the wind. I turn my attention to it, pushing the one side back seeing a missing poster. I raise a brow as I see a picture of myself.

I read the message below the image Has anyone seen my boy Harry. He's been missing for 4 weeks. He went missing on the 15th May. He was last seen in the town centre. He's 18 years of age. 6ft 2''. Has brown curly hair. Please if you have any information of his ware bouts please contact the number below.

I let go of the paper, feeling the colour drain from my face as I stare at the paper, watching it flutter in the wind. I turn my attention to the sound of loud crying. I run down to my house to see officers leave the house. I walk in through the front door looking into the living room to see Gemma and my mum hugging one another while both of them are in tears. I walk into the room but they don't notice my presence. Neither does the offices who is sitting there with sympathy all over her face 'I'll leave you two alone for a minute.' She stands up walking out of the room, walking past me.

Am I invisible? 'Mum? Gemma? What's going on?' I ask. Neither of them looking in my direction. I step forward, lifting my arm up to touch Gemma's shoulder to get her attention. When I touch her she doesn't turn around but I don't feel as though I am touching her shoulder. I put a bit more force into it but my hand just disappears into her shoulder. I jump, pulling my hand back in fear. What the actual fuck? Why was I able to do that? I raise my hand bringing it up to in front of my face, turning it around examining it. I gulp, stepping forward to touch her shoulder again. And again my hands goes through her again.

I hear the TV say my name loudly on the screen 'A body has been found in the woods just off the outskirts of the west minister. The body has been identified as Harry Styles. The teenager who has been missing for 4 weeks and 5 days, it is believed that this killings is related to the previous-' I zone out as I step towards the TV, staring at the screen watching as they remove the body, in a body bag and loading it into the back of a van. I shake my head. This can't be true, how is this possible. I've been alive these last few weeks haven't I? Unless I've been reliving the events on loop, until I found out myself that 'I'm dead.'

A strong gust of wind comes out of nowhere knocking the wind out of me from the strong force. I try to fight against the wind but struggle to keep my feet on the ground. Then the wind comes stronger knocking me off of my feet into the air. I close my eyes waiting to hit the floor with a heavy thud. I open on of my eyes to find I'm in total darkness. I start to panic, as though I can't breathe, where am I?  How did I even get here? I turn my head in every possible direction but there is no way of escaping this time. Then the sound of voices, followed by a small part of light shining into my face blinding me. I cover my eyes as the light comes more into view hitting my skin.

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