C h a p t e r T h i r t e e n - O n e W e e k & T w o D a y s B e f o r e

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1 Week & 2 Days Before:

I wake up to the sound of two people talking neither of them sounding like Gemma or Liam as I fell asleep on the sofa in the living room. I slowly open my eyes seeing that I'm no longer in my living room, I have no idea where I am.

Great, this is another one of them dreams, I just hope he's not in them again. I sit up glancing around the room seeing that I am in some form of basement, I think. I stand up taking in my surrounding finding nothing but a door on the far wall.

I take steps towards it when it opens revealing someone standing in the doorway making me jump. 'Harry?' A female voice asks, it sounds like Gemma. She steps further into the room and she comes into view, it's Gemma.

'What's happening?' She asks looking past me to something behind me. I don't wanna turn around because it's bound to be something I'd regret seeing. I take a few deep breaths before turning my head slowly followed by my body seeing two people, which weren't there before.

I look back to Gemma and she's gone. Where'd she go? I ask myself turning my attention to the two people on the floor. What is that person even doing? I don't say anything as I'm curious with what is happening right this moment in time.

The person with their back turned to me pulls something from of their pocket. I didn't quite see what it was that is until shots are fired making me jump out of my skin. Bang! Bang! Bang! Blood splatters up along the walls and a river of blood travels towards me, which is odd.

The person stands up dropping the gun to their side as they turn around to face me. I ignore the person standing up and look at the person lying down on the ground probably dead. I notice the tanned skin and black hair. Oh god, that's Zayn.

I step forward having the person that's clear in my view direct the gun towards me. I remove my eyes fromm Zayn's body to be met with a hood. Why does the hooded guy have to be in my dreams all of the time? 'What do you want?' I yell.

He just ignores me stalking towards me twisting the gun in his hand finding a better grip of the gun. I back up as he walks towards me. But I'm stopped by the wall, like every other time. I bang my fist against the brick wall out of frustration and anger. 'Oh nothing yet, but you'll see pretty soon.' He smirks his voice sounding like Liam's.

He places his hand on the top of his hood and pulls it down and it's Liam's face that appears. 'Liam?' I ask hoping it's someone wearing a mask or something. 'Yep that's me.' He says with a smug grin on his lips.

'What's happening?' I ask having him walk towards me. He stops just a few feet away from me. 'Do you really want to know?' He asks staring at me with an excited glimmer in his eyes. I nod my head slowly moving to the right having his gaze still follow me.

'Well, you should know what's happening because all of this is your fault. Especially, for Zayn being shot. If you'd just responded in a more polite tone none of this would be happening.' He mumbles pacing pack and forth. 'You're the reason that Zayn's dead.'

'Zayn's dead? ... He's not, you're lying he's in a coma.' An amused smile play's its way upon his lips. 'Harry, Harry, Harry are you really that stupid?' He asks shaking his head while chuckling evilly.

'You must be. You can't even guess who's behind all of this. It's the one person you'd never thought it would be... Me.' My eyes widen no way is this Liam's doing. He wouldn't do that to me, also he's been with me all this time.

I think for a moment. It can't be him nearly every time something happens he always tells me to tell the police, he wouldn't put himself at risk, would he? But he knows that I'll be too stubborn to do something about it. And another thing is I've been seeing another person doing all the things to me and that. Unless he's paid someone to pretend to be the hooded guy? No, he wouldn't do that. We've been best friends for years, we're practically brothers. He wouldn't do this to me would he?

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