C h a p t e r N i n e - O n e W e e k & S i x D a y s B e f o r e

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1 Week & 6 Days Before:

Last night was a blast we played Call of Duty, old I know but it's a good game to play when there is more than one or two of us. Zayn and I ended up on giving up on the game as I'm sure Liam, Gemma and Josh were cheating. Somehow whenever we were being ambushed by them our controllers would stop working, and we weren't able to fight back

I hate this game right now and I'm not playing it with Gemma, she is the best at this game. Anyway, we called it a night at around 11 pm. Liam and Zayn just stopped over at mine, while Josh went across the street to his house.

And I actually had the best night sleep ever, that I couldn't even wake up. I still can't, I've got both Liam and Zayn laying on top of me, in an attempt to wake me up. 'Get off of me.' I groan, trying to shove them off of me but I fail miserably.

'You gonna get up and ready.' Liam asks me talking to me as though I'm a six year old. 'Yes father.' I joke, earning a scowl and an eye roll from him. Zayn climbs off of Liam and Liam climbs off of me. I take a few deep breathes as my lungs were crushed from their body weight.

'I'm gonna shower first.' Liam says but I'm quick on my feet, throwing my duvet off of me, swinging my legs to the side and getting out of the bed, shoving Liam out of the way as I enter the bathroom locking the door behind me. 'Harry!' Liam yells hitting the door, I just chuckle turning the shower on.

Once I'm done in the shower I brush my teeth and do my hair as I have a bandana there already. I wonder whether we'll see him today. Oh, Josh agreed to do that for me. Which I am so grateful for. I unlock the bathroom door, opening it stepping into my room. Having Liam barge past me into the bathroom leaving Zayn laughing his head off.

'I wasn't going to go in!' He yells while laughing still. 'I don't care!' Liam yells back sounding childish. I shake my head chuckling to myself. I go into my wardrobe pulling out a pair dark skinny jeans, a white T-shirt and a light long sleeved denim shirt. I pull on a pair of boxers not bothered that Zayn's in the room. Then I get dressed, rolling the sleeves up on the denim shirt.

After we all take a shower and get dressed. Letting them borrow some of my clothes, well a clean shirt anyway. We make our way down the stairs going into the kitchen having them both raid the kitchen for food. While I'll just grab a piece of fruit, I take a seat in the living room turning the TV on.

The other two finally join me with bowls in their hands and they begin munching on cereal, which I never knew we even had. Once they've finished eating, they put the bowls into the sink which I'll most likely end up washing up later. We put our shoes one and grab our bags, then make our way over to Josh's house.

I step forward leaving the two behind me as I raise my hand and knock on the door. I knock three times, stepping back as I wait for the door to open. There's a muffled conversation coming from inside the house before the door open revealing an average height male, with brown roots and the top dyed blonde. His blue eyes eye my up and down before he smiles at me. 'You must be Harry? Right?' He holds his hand out, I extend my arm out shaking his hand.

'And you are?' I ask, blushing slightly as it come out a bit rude. 'I'm Niall, Josh's dad.' I nod smiling, he looks behind me at Liam and Zayn who are standing awkwardly. 'Who are they?' Niall asks with raised brows.

'Oh, that's Liam.' I point to Liam 'and that's Zayn.' And I point to Zayn. They both smile, mumbling a 'hi' and waving slightly, with awkward smiles on their lips.

'Is that your mum?' He points behind me, seeing Gemma making her way over to us. I shake my head chuckling. 'No, she's my sister and if I was you, I wouldn't tell her that you thought she was my mum, she'd kill you.' I chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

Gemma stands beside me, holding her hand out to Niall. 'Hi I'm Gemma, Harry's sister.' He shakes her hand, smiling at her. 'I've heard, I'm Niall, Josh's dad.' She nods, bringing her hand back down to her side.

'What you doing here Gem?' I ask her tilting my head slightly in confusion. She waves her hand and chuckles to herself. 'Mum wanted me to ask if our new neighbours would like to come over for dinner tomorrow.' She turns to face Niall.

'Y-yeah sure, I'd be happy too as will Josh. What time?'

'7, I think she said. If not I'll text Harry to tell Josh to tell you.' She smiles pleased with herself that she said what she wanted to say correctly. Niall smiles at her and nods 'I best be going, see you tomorrow. Bye Harry, Liam and Zayn.' She looks left and right before running across the street and going back into the house.

'She seems nice.' He mumbles, then Josh appears at his side. 'Hi Harry.' He smiles slinging his bag over his shoulder. 'I'll see you later dad.' He mumbles as we make our way down the pathway, Niall closes the door as we make our way down the street.

'Your dad seems nice.' I mutter quietly, he turns to look at me like he's confused, then his nods his head. 'Y-yeah, he is.' He stutters out, as though he's nervous.

'Are you still up to do you know what?' I ask, he nods then looks ahead of him. He points ahead of him 'that him?' I look to where he's pointing and I gulp. There he is, the hooded guy is standing there as though he either waiting for something or me. I nod my head slowly, he takes a few deep breaths before telling us to stop and wait for him here, while he goes and talks to him.

'What's he doing?' Zayn asks narrowing his eyes at me. I motion with my head and his mouth forms an 'o' shape, as he nods his head. 'Do you think it'll work?' He asks. I shrug, then shake my head. I really don't think this work at all. In all fairness I can feel that something bad is gonna happen. I'm actually really scared that someone I love as family or friend will get hurt.

Liam stares ahead and I do the same seeing them talking, like they've known each other for years. It was unusual to see him talking and acting so relaxed around someone who's a complete stranger to him. I squint my eyes at them seeing whether I can make out what they're saying, well what Josh is saying, but there's too far of distance between them and us.

Five minutes pass and they're still talking. I never thought it'll take this long to basically tell him to back off, it seems my point is proven. It's not going to work, he'll just lash out harder on me or someone, as I've said many times before.

The hooded guy nods his head before backing away from Josh, not before he locks eyes on me and waves at me, probably having that smug fucking smirk on his lips. Josh turns around and motions for us to go over to him. We make our way over to him and a smile is plastered on his lips. 'I've eased him off, he won't do anything too drastic.' He mumbles looking nervous as he looks around.

'A-are you sure?' I ask with a nervous expression on my face. He stares at me for a moment before nodding. 'Yep.' He holds out the 'p' for longer. I eye him wary whether or nor he's lying or telling the truth.

'You don't seem it.' Liam pipes up crossing his arms over his chest making Josh gulp in terror. He nods his head 'I'm sure, I promise.'

Liam rolls his eyes huffing a laugh and walking ahead mumbling 'don't make a promise you know you can't keep.' Josh stares at him as he watches Liam walk onto the premises, with Zayn beside him. Then he turns his attention to me 'how come he don't like me?'

I shrug 'I don't know, he probably don't trust you yet. It's hard for him to trust people.' He nods his head, turning on his heel and makes his way onto the premises also. I follow close behind him making our way over to then two and the girls. Like I do every morning. 'I'll carry on to lesson.' He grumbles, walking away into the building.

Before I can respond back to his response he walks past me. I stand next to Zara who pull's me in for a kiss. I try to kiss her back but my mind is occupied on how Josh reacted not too long ago. It just wasn't him, he must be hiding something and I gonna find out what it is, even if something bad happens.

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