C h a p t e r T w e n t y - T w o D a y s B e f o r e

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2 Days Before:

Last night was quite awkward but fun at the same time as literally a few hours ago Darcy decided to leave us alone as she couldn't stand being with us any more, she's rather 'eat razor blades than hang out with you lot' her exact words, we didn't stop her.

She stands up storming out of the room in a frustrated manor slamming Josh's' bedroom door shut. We glance at one another and burst out laughing. 'She's such a baby.' Rosie says holding her sides.

We're still up and it's currently 3am. Finally we've managed to get rid of Darcy, we've been trying all night but she always had an answer to everything we said to her. When she wasn't talking to us we were just chatting, joking around and laughing. Tonight's been a good night, well morning also.

I grab a slice of pizza which is now stone cold but I didn't care, I was hungry also pizza tastes better cold, in my opinion anyway. 'This feel weird without Zayn and Jessamy.' Liam says catching mine and Josh's' attention as the girls are fast asleep.

I nod and hum in agreement as I take another bite of my pizza getting a disgusted look from Liam, like I normally do whenever I eat things around him or don't suit how he would eat it. I smile at him showing the food stuck between and around my teeth. He cringes grabbing a shoe and throwing it at me. 'You eat like a pig, it's gross and I really didn't need to see what you were eating.' I start laughing which is hard when you have food in your mouth.

Josh looks back and forth between the two of us with furrowed brows, then gives me the same look as Liam did, making me laugh more but backfires as, as I take a breath I end up sucking the food to the back of my throat making me choke. Now, them two start laughing at me, as I hack up my guts. 'You deserved that.' Josh says in between laughs while holding his stomach.

I regain back to a normal breathing level as do the other two dying down from there laughing. The room falls silent the only thing heard is all of our breathing. I glance over at Zara and Rosie who are both fast asleep beside each other. 'Don't you have a games room?' I ask Josh while pointing at him.

He nods taking a sip of his drink 'yeah why?'

'Let's go there.' I shrug standing up, stretching feeling my bones click which feels really good as I'm doing so. 'Sure.' He says while standing up as does Liam. Josh leads the way as we leave the room quietly not to disturb the girls sleeping.

We're lead down towards the basement of the house, which I never knew these type of houses' had. He opens the door revealing a dream come true. The walls are black and red with a few band and girl posters up around the walls. There's a 52'' TV mounted onto the wall, about 7 shelves full of games for different types of console's and DVD's, a black left angled sofa, two beanbags, a pool table, darts board and other stuff. The place is huge, even with all of the stuff in it there's still tones of space. This is by far my dream come true, it's a shame it's not mine.

Liam and I walk in, in awe at this place. It feels as though I've just died and gone to heaven. 'Wow, this place is amazing.' Liam says as he walks around.

'How many games' consoles have you got?' I ask as I scan the different games along the shelves. I turn to look at him 'erm... I don't actually know. Well, I have PS1, 2, 3 and 4. The Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox one. The Nintendo Wii and Wii U. That's all of them I think?' My mouth is literally wide open and my eyes wide in shock. He's literally got consoles which I didn't think still existed or where hard to get of. Like the games for one, I knew most shops don't do games for PS1.

'That must've cost a fortune.' I mumble. I scan the games seeing that there in order alphabetically with each different console. 'I haven't seen the games nor played them in years.'

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