C h a p t e r E i g h t - T w o W e e k s B e f o r e

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2 Weeks Before:

Since telling Gemma everything and Liam, Zayn and Gemma about the hooded guy sending pictures of Zara and I, I haven't slept a wink. I'm so fucking tired I could just drop dead because I'm that tired. Also Gemma said she came up with an idea, which I don't personally think will work as he's not that stupid.

Her idea was to 'bring someone else into the scenario, who would do as we told them, asking them to approach the hooded guy and find things out about him.' I found the idea stupid as fuck, it won't work but I have to go along with it as Liam and Zayn agreed, the only thing they've agreed with may I add.

I roll out of bed onto the floor landing on my front, I groan rolling onto my back. Then my bedroom door opens revealing Gemma. It'll take a while for me to get used to her being here. She starts laughing walking into my room as I hold my arms out which she grabs pulling me up onto my feet. 'Thanks.' I mumble.

'Why were you on the floor?' She grins holding back another outburst of laughter. I scowl at her, having her scowl back at me and hitting my arm. 'I found it more comfortable.' I shrug, I bite my lip holding back a laugh.

She raises a brow at me shaking her head, she waves her hand in the air pointing at the door 'Liam's down stairs waiting for you.' I nod. Gemma leaves me alone to get ready for sixth form. Great, I'm bound to get all the girls swarming over me. Most guys wouldn't complain but when you have it happen nearly every day, it does get quite annoying.

I go into the bathroom and follow my usual morning routine. I take a shower, dry my hair then leave my room to get dressed grabbing a dark skinny ripped jeans and a white V-neck shirt. I put a bandana into my hair, holding any agitating strands of hair. I then grab my phone heading downstairs hearing Liam and Gemma talking loudly.

I go into the kitchen grabbing a piece of fruit from the fruit bowl and a bottle of water from out of the fridge. Then I walk back into the living room, not having seen my mum yet. A frown overtakes my face 'where's mum?' I ask, opening the bottle top and taking a swig of it.

'She got called in early.' Gemma shrugs, I nod taking seat on the edge of the sofa. 'Oh, hi Liam.' Liam chuckles shaking his head. Liam stands up slinging his bag over his shoulder. 'Hi Harry, let's go.'

I nod standing up grabbing my bag from the side of the sofa slinging it over my shoulder. 'Aww, do you have to leave now?' Gemma whines while pouting. 'Yes.' I state simply having Liam rolls his eyes for a reason I don't know.

'I'll come by later, as will Zayn most likely.' Liam says just inviting himself over to my house like normal. I chuckle, hitting his arm as I walk towards the front door, opening it and waiting for Liam to come and join. He eventually does and we begin out journey to sixth form.

Liam and I talk about random stuff, also having the hooded guy come up in the conversation. 'Do you remember the plan?' Liam asks looking at me.

'Yep, but I doubt it'll work.' I state sighing. I look left and right before crossing the road, then turn back to Liam. 'Why don't you think it'll work?' I shrug, kicking a stone into the road as it was in my way.

'How do you even know he'll be there?' I ask raising a brow at him. He doesn't respond, he just walks ahead of me. A smug grin makes its way onto my face. 'My point proven.' I sing, having him hit my arm.

Crossing the street again we arrive at Sixth form and of course the girls swarm around Liam and I. I just ignore them pushing them out of my way, making our way over to Zara, Rosie, Jessamy and surprisingly Zayn. I look at Liam who shrugs.

'You're starting to scare me with how early you've been lately.' Liam tease slinging his arm over his shoulder. Zayn turns to scowl at him, throwing his arm off of his shoulder. Zara comes to my side and I wrap my arm around her waist, pecking the side of her head. 'For your information, I stayed at Jessamy's, so I've been stuck with these all the way here.' He states rolling his eyes towards the end part.

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