C h a p t e r O n e - T h r e e W e e k s B e f o r e

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3 Weeks Before:

Waking up is the hardest part of the day especially as I have sixth form today. I just cannot be bothered to move or open my eyes for that matter. I was having the best sleep ever like how I normally do every other day. But I know that if I don't I'll have Liam come into my room and lie on top of me till I shove him off.

Oh speak of the devil my bedroom door flies open and I don't even see Liam come in but I do feel his weight lying on top of me. 'Liiaam!' I whine moving my legs to get him off of me.

'Haarry!' He mocks back in a childish tone.

'Get off me!' I sigh out of annoyance and frustration. I don't need this at this time of the morning but I don't mind it either. As if Liam didn't do this near enough every day, something would be up with him and that would worry me. See Liam and I are really close we've known each other since primary and our friendship just blossomed as the years went on and now look at us. You'd think we're related with how close we are.

'It's a world record, normally you'd go back to sleep.' He jokes, chuckling as he gets off of me. I sit up stretching and yawning. 'Ha ha very funny.' I roll my eyes.

I swing my legs to the edge of the bed, standing up stretching again making my back click. That feels a lot better. I make my way into my on suite bathroom, leaving Liam to do what he normally does, sleep.

I shut and lock the door behind me, turning the shower on leaving it for a few moments to warm up before climbing into it. The warm water bounces off of my skin making me wake up more and relax, which is just what I need before starting lessons today.

I grab my wash cloth putting body wash onto it before washing myself, rinsing the soap off my body. Then I wash my hair, washing the shampoo off before turning off the water. Stepping out of the shower grabbing the towel on the towel rack beside the shower and wrapping it around my waist.

I walk towards the sink grabbing the hairdryer and drying my hair the best I can before I make my way out into my room, seeing Liam asleep. I roll my eyes going into my wardrobe pulling out a plain white V-neck and a pair of black skinny jeans. I pull on a pair of boxers then get dressed.

I head back into the bathroom brushing my teeth then putting a bandana on to keep my hair from falling into my eyes, as I cannot be bothered to get it cut. Once I'm done I go back into my room and jumping on top of Liam. 'Li, get up time to go.' I sing while poking the side of his face, making a grin slowly appear on his face.

'I'm up, I'm up.' He repeats grabbing my hands preventing me from poking his face. I chuckle getting off of him, helping him stand up before we head downstairs into the kitchen to grab something to eat on my way to sixth form.

In the kitchen I spot my mum leaning on the counter drinking her coffee, while reading today's newspaper. 'Morning mum.' I say as I approach her. She looks up from the newspaper giving me her warming smile. 'Morning love.'

I go into the fridge grabbing a bottle of water, closing it and grabbing a apple to eat on my way. 'See you later mum.' I say as I turn around pecking her cheek before following Liam into the living room grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder. 'Let's go.' I place the apple in my mouth taking a bite of it as we make our way down the pathway and to sixth form.

It's doesn't take long for us to get there as it's literally a 5 minute walk from my house. Walking onto the premises both Liam and I get girls appear at our side. Asking 'how was your weekend?' 'Do you wanna hang out sometime?' Liam just chuckles ignoring them as do I.

I don't get why they all swarm over us because for one both Liam and I have girlfriend's and everyone knows that as we're dating the most popular girls in our year, and they're dating the most popular guys in our year, which just happens to be us two.

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