C h a p t e r T h r e e - T w o W e e k s & F i v e D a y s B e f o r e

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2 Weeks & 5 Days Before:

I've been lying here awake for hours, probably since I first came to bed last night. I just can't sleep. Whenever I close my eyes for a split second, his half face appears, him that's been watching me for two days now. I'm probably over reacting as it's only been two days, but it's really shook me up.

I sigh deeply as I sit up grabbing my phone from off of the night stand beside my bed. I unlock it seeing its 7:12 AM. I drop my phone in between my legs, rubbing my face roughly with my hands. Sighing deeply again I fling myself back down onto my pillow.

I'm just so fucking tired, I need to at least try and get a good hour worth of sleep, otherwise I'll be a walking zombie around sixth form. Right now, I probably look like one. I close my eyes for what seems like 5 minutes to me that is until I feel something poking my face.

I groan swatting it away, 'go away Liam, and quit poking my face, it's annoying.' He doesn't say anything, he just chuckles lowly. I furrow my eye brows together but not opening my eyes yet. That sounded nothing like Liam, it was more higher pitched.

I slowly open my eyes, locking eyes on a dark figure sitting on the edge of the bed. My eyes widen as I recognise the person or should I say him; the hooded person, I back up the best I can having him jump on top of me, immediately cupping my mouth with his hand. My breathing has increased rapidly along with my heart rate.

The person that's straddling my waist raises his free hand bringing his index finger over his lips, indicating for me to keep quiet. I nod repeatedly, he smirks slowly releasing his hand from around my mouth. I take a few deep breaths. Sitting up to the best I can and backing up into the corner of my bed, shoving the hooded person from off of my legs.

He chuckles lowly shifting from his position from my legs to crawling up the small gap between us. I back up a far as I can which isn't far as I'm right up against the wall already. He raises his one hand reaching forward to touch my face. 'W-what d-do you w-want?' I stutter out. His fingertips brushing against my cheek. I squirm under his touch, shutting my eyes tightly.

'You're so beautiful.' He mumbles softly, his voice and words echoing around the back of my head. The way he's said that, it just sounds so perverted. It actually makes me feel sick at the pit of my stomach. I open my eyes again and he's gone. He's gone how?

There is no way he left that quick because I would've felt the bed un-dip as he stood up and surely I would hear his footsteps as he left the room, also my bedroom door opening and closing. Unless he left through the window but that's not possible if he wants to leave with no broken bones. It's just a sheer drop my window, onto the concrete pavement.

I throw the duvet off of me, sitting up and swinging my legs over the edge of my bed and walking over to my window seeing it closed and locked. That's strange. Did I dream him being in my room? No, I couldn't've. The warmth of his hand around my mouth and his fingertips brushing against my cheek. It all felt too real to be just a dream, well nightmare.

I unlock and open my window sticking my head out of it, seeing no traces of it being open at all. The dust build up on my window ledge hasn't been mushed together. That sounds dirty of me but nothing is out of place either and I have loads of junk on the window ledge too. And not one thing it out of place or line, the last I recall anyway.

I shake my head as my bedroom door opens and to my surprise Liam and Zayn walks in. 'I swear it's getting scary how early Zayn's getting up and leaving his house and you actually up before I even get here.' Liam teases with a big, stupid, pleased grin on his face as I turn around to face them.

I turn back around looking out of the window again seeing nothing still, hmm, strange I'd see him whenever I'm with these two but I haven't. Maybe he's planning something. I hope not because it's only going to me that gets hurt or a slight chance it may be Liam or Zayn or Zara. He better not do anything to either one of them as you'd not want to cross my path if anything happens.

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