C h a p t e r S i x t e e n - S i x D a y s B e f o r e

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6 Days Before:

The rest of yesterday flew by, with one issue running through my head making me feel worse than I already do. The fact that Jessamy kissed me. She still didn't answer my question, why did she kiss me? She knows I have a girlfriend that also happens to be her best friend.

I feel so guilty I need to tell Zara. I can't keep this sort of secret from her. I know that I didn't do anything wrong as I pushed Jessamy away. The only thing that I am doing wrong is not telling her. She's my world, the only reason that I can be bothered to do anything. I may not spend much time with her but that's why I love her so much, and I couldn't let this ruin the two of us.

I debate with myself whether or not I should tell her. I want to but at the same time I don't. If I don't this could wreck the relationship I have with her right now.

My thoughts are broken when the sound of the front door opening and closing. I turn my attention to the front door. Stands there is Gemma. A dimpled smile appears on my face as I stand up walking over to her and pulling her in for a brotherly hug.

She freezes at my sudden move but soon hugs me back. 'Miss me much?' She chuckles while patting my back. 'A lot. I needed your help but you weren't here.' I mumble.

She pulls back placing her arms on my shoulders as she stares at me studying my face. 'Why? What's happened?' She asks as she let's go of my shoulders and walks into the kitchen. I lean up against the side.

'Yesterday Jessamy asked whether Liam and I would wanna go with her to visit Zayn. So her mum picked us up and strange things happened on our way up.' I state as I watch her fill the kettle, putting it on and grabbing two cup from the cupboard.

She puts a tea bag in each before looking up at me 'how so?' I sigh deeply running my hand through my hair. I shake my head sighing again 'I don't know. Well, there was this car following us like the one that's followed me a few times. And of course I thought it was following us.'

The kettle boils so she grabs it pouring it into the cups. 'Did you see who was driving it?' I nod feeling my blood run cold. 'Who was is?' She asks while putting the kettle down.

'The hooded guy.' I state having her jump at the mention of him having her knock a cup onto the floor. She stands staring at it as I go round then actually going into the kitchen. I crouch down picking up the now broken cup. 'But that's not what was strange. Jessamy's mum waved as it turned the other direction and I just...' I stop talking when I hear a quiet whimper, closely followed by a sob.

I look up seeing Gemma cupping her face with her hand as tears rush down her cheeks. I stand up wrapping my arms around her and she sobs into my chest. I have no idea why she's crying. I rub her back in a soothing manor and we stay like this till she's calmed down. 'Thanks.' She mumbles as she unwraps herself from my brotherly embrace.

She walks past me into the living room still wiping her eyes. I finish making the teas and cleaning up the water that’s on the floor. Once I'm done I go into the living handing her, her cup while I take a seat beside her. I want to ask her what that was about not too long ago but at the same time I don't as it’s not my business.

Its silent for about ten minutes the only sound hearded is Gemma sniffling and the sound of the cup hitting my teeth a few times which really hurt.

'Do-do you wanna talk about it?' I ask ignoring what I said not too long ago. She sighs before taking in a shaky breath. 'I wanna tell you. I really do but I can't.' She mutters while staring down at her feet.

'Is it something you've done?' She shrugs. 'Something I've done?' She shakes her head. 'Is it some...' I'm interrupted by someone banging on the front door.

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