C h a p t e r T e n - O n e W e e k & F i v e D a y s B e f o r e

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1 Weeks & 5 Days Before:

Josh has been acting kind of weird since yesterday ever since he spoke to the hooded guy, which he never really told me what he said to him. Speaking of him, I haven't seen him all day. The bell rings for the end of last period.

I shove my book and pen into my bag, standing up slinging it over my shoulder. I stand waiting for Liam, Zayn and Josh put their belongings away into their bags. 'So what time is your two's dinner date?' Zayn asks with a smug grin on his face, Josh and I turn to glower at him.

Liam chuckles as does Zayn, with his tongue sticking out at the side. I sigh, rolling my eyes at him. '7 and I've said for the 10th time. It is not a date, and it's my mum's idea.' I state, walking ahead of them as I make my way outside of the classroom. They join me outside of the classroom and we make our way down the corridor to the entrance/exit of the school.

'Oh Harry, my dad said he'll pick us up.' Josh states staring at me waiting for my response, I nod opening the door exiting the building. 'Aww, I thought we was gonna hang out for a few hours as the girls are doing this thing after school.' Liam whines with a pout on his face.

I actually forgot about that, the girls are doing this dance practice thing for some dance thing I have no idea about, or what it is for. That sounds bad of me but I reckon it's their way of saying we wanna spend time on our own. When they could just say that.

I look to my left at Josh 'you two can come over, we was only gonna do what we did the other day.' He shrugs nonchalantly. I turn my attention to Liam and Zayn. 'Yeah, sure. Would your dad mind us in the car also?' Liam asks.

Josh shakes his head with a fake smile on his lips, he clearly wanted it to be just him and I, which is kind of strange and creepy in a way but I don't mind. Zayn rolls his eyes at Josh's facial expression before mumbling something to Liam, who nods in agreement.

I nudge Liam's shoulder giving him the expression 'tell me' he glances back at Zayn, he shrugs at him with no meaning. Then Liam looks at me 'what's up with him?' He asks, which clearly isn't what Zayn said to him.

'What do you mean?' I ask with raised brows.

'His facial expression clearly said he doesn't want us to go.' Zayn whispers snaps. 'What have we done to him?' He asks while giving Josh a dirty look.

Zayn does have a point because he seemed quite happy to have just me going but when he knew the other's wanted to come along his mood changed. It changed to a bratty child who had to give in, but really he wanted his own way. This is where I'll be stuck between the two.

Because I'd wanna go with Liam and Zayn as they're my best mates, practically brothers to me but then again I'd wanna go with Josh as I want him to tell me more about the hooded guy which he still hasn't told me anything about.

'I'm just gonna head home, I'm wanted there more.' Zayn mumbles rolling his eyes in a dramatic manor. He lifts his hand hitting Liam in the arm motioning him with his head to follow him. 'Yeah, me too.' Liam smiles sadly at me.

'Okay, you sure.' Josh says with enthusiasm in his voice. I turn to scowl at him having him give me a smug smirk playing on his lips. He turns back around then points ahead of him. 'My dad's over there.' He walks ahead of me, while I stay back.

'You need to get going, they're waiting.' Liam points behind me, I shake my head. 'They can wait, why don't you two just come over anyway.' Zayn chuckles turning to face me.

'Nah, I'll just carry on home. Liam wanna come over?' Zayn states. I hate when he goes into this immature stage, being stubborn. 'I'll come over.' I offer.

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