C h a p t e r F i f t e e n - O n e W e e k B e f o r e

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1 Week Before:

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm going off. Strange, I don't remember setting my alarm. I open my eyes slowly, blinking repeatedly to reduce the blurriness. I glance around my surroundings seeing that I'm in my bedroom. How did I even get here?

I lift my head up from off of the pillow, frowning as I can't remember a single thing from yesterday. I turn over onto my back as I'm currently on my front. I sit up seeing another body at the end of my bed, but I can't see who they are as they're face down. I nudge the person with my foot making them stir.

'Five more minutes.' The familiar voice mumbles making a smile creep its way onto my lips. I nudge him again 'Liam. You need to get up. Liiiaaaamm.' He moans hitting my foot away, making me snigger quietly. 'Get up, Li.' I say.

This time he rolls over onto his back, bringing his hands to his face rubbing his eyes, before removing them and looking over at me. He stares at me with furrowed brows sitting up while resting on his elbows. 'What you doing in my bed?' He asks with raised brows.

'This is my bed.' I state, as he looks around the room turning back to me with raised brows still. 'How did we even get to your room?' He asks, which is what I was just gonna ask him. This is confusing and frustrating as I cannot remember a single thing, yet anyway.

I shrug 'I have absolutely no idea.'

We sit in silence for a few moments before Liam mutters something under his breath as he slings the duvet off of him grabbing his phone from off of the chest of draws. 'My mum's gonna kill me.' He says to me, sitting down on the edge of me bed as he dials her number.

I throw the duvet off of myself seeing that I'm still in my clothes from yesterday. How is this even possible? I'd never go to bed in my own clothes not unless I was that physically exhausted, which I have been but not to the point I'd forget pretty much the whole of yesterday. 'Hi. Mum, I'm so sorry I never called...' He starts then stops, I presume his mum is talking back to him.

He stares into thin air still with furrowed brows, then he looks over at me 'oh o-okay. Well I'll see you when I get home. ... Love you too bye.' He pulls his phone away from his ear hanging up on his mum.

'What?' I ask as I walk over towards my wardrobe pulling out a clean white t-shirt, pulling off the one from yesterday and pulling on the clean one. I turn back around to face Liam. 'Apparently, Gemma called my mum last night saying I passed out and my mum said it was okay for me to stop over.' He mutters still confused.

Gemma? Wait, wasn't Gemma taken by the hooded guy yesterday. I had pictures sent, didn't I? I'm sure I did. I gasp realising that we were drugged. 'We were drugged.' I state, having Liam stare at me confused. 'Drugged?' He asks.

I nod, opening my bedroom door walking out slightly into the hallway. I see that Gemma's bedroom door is open. 'Harry? Are you alright mate?' Liam asks as he stands up from my bed and makes his way over towards the door. I nod again walking out into the hallway down towards Gemma's bedroom.

I peek my head in through the door seeing that her bed is made, the window open. Memories of yesterday flash by. I take another quick glance around her room seeing it's exactly the same. Nothing is out of place, the window wide open with her bed neatly made as though no one's even slept in the bed.

I have Liam appear at my side, I turn around on my heels and walk quickly down the hallway, down the stairs 'Gemma? Are you down here?' I shout. Walking down the stairs looking in the living room seeing that she's not there, then I make my way into the kitchen seeing a small note on the side. I frown picking up from off of the side. Hey Haz, I'm just staying over at a mate's house, I'll be back late tomorrow night, Gem.

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