C h a p t e r T w e n t y F i v e

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I have not moved from the position I'm in for hours, possibly days. I've laid curled into a ball, still completely naked. What will he do to me next? Get Josh to do something? It does make me wonder whether or not if he'll get Josh, or even Jessamy to do something to me. I actually wonder whether or not if I'm missed because no one seemed to care when I walked off, no one but Josh followed after me.

Not even Liam. He didn't even follow after me or call me. He just stood with the others. With all the betrayers. Why was it my life that had to be destroyed? That's one thing I don't understand. Maybe I did something wrong to Lucas in some way or something. But I've never seen him until a few weeks ago back at Niall's house. Where he stood staring at me like I was a piece of meat.

What about my mum? She must be distraught that I'm missing. As far as I know she had nothing to do with this. I would like to think not anyway. I just wished I spent more time with her but she had work, where she had to work away for a few days at a time. Likewise I have sixth form and work on the weekends. Has Gemma told her about this? With everything of the hooded guy?

She wouldn't do that not unless she wants something to happen to herself. As she seems to only care about herself. How did I not know that all this time she was pretty much working for him? She helped contribute to all of this. I wonder whether or not if she was the ones who took the pictures. But how could that be when I have her phone number and I already know the hooded guy's number and it's not the same. Maybe she brought a new phone. Thinking about it now. I know that's not possible as she was with me when he was texting me.

I hear the sound of an awkward cough sound around the room. All the hair on my body stands on end as I glance over my shoulder to see Lucas smirking. That fucking smirk. I hate that smirk. I hate him even more. How long has he been sat there for? He stands up from the chair making it squeak as he does so. I cringe at the sharpness of the sound. I'm so used to being in silence the only sound being my own thoughts.

I feel his presence behind me. His cold fingertips brush against my skin causing me to move away from his cold touch which makes my heart race out of fear. 'I used to love watching you get changed.' He pauses to trace his fingers along my hip down to the bottom of my thigh 'and getting a shower. And the way that sweet ass looked in every single thing you wore. I've always wanted to touch it from the first time I saw you.'

I pull my leg away sitting up to back up into the corner of the bed grabbing the blanket to wrap it around my exposed skin. A dark chuckle leaves his lip as he makes eye contact with me, with those dark eyes roaming my body.

'I met you a few weeks ago?' I ask rather than state. He stares at me for a brief moment before actually answering me. 'I sound a bit stalkerish saying this but when Niall was looking at houses. I came along with him and he had the perfect view of you house. The front door opened and that was it for me. I found you. I hope you don't betray me like the last one other wise we'll have to make you disappear.' That's creepy but that's not what the main problem is here. It's the fact he's done this before. To who though? I probably won't know them but from what he said he doesn't exist anymore.

He leans forward tapping his finger against my nose 'now I'm going to let you have a friend for a few hours. While I'll go out.' He mumbles standing up without another word and leaving the basement. Only for him to be replaced by Josh who walks into the room. But Lucas walks in behind him also shutting and locking the door behind him. 'Er dad you said you were going out. So why are you locking the door?' Josh asks warily taking a step back.

His dad just smiles while shaking his head 'I was kinda lying.' Before anything else can be said or anyone else could even breathe. Lucas puts his hand behind his back, quickly pulling it back and causing a loud bang to echo around the room as well as blood splattering everywhere around the basement.  Josh just collapses onto the floor. His head rolling back into my direction with no face. I scream 'Josh! No, no, no, why did you do that?' I scream, a bit of dribble falling from my mouth as I yell.

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