C h a p t e r S i x - T w o W e e k s & T w o D a y s B e f o r e

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2 Weeks & 2 Days Before:

I sit up swinging my legs to the side of the hospital bed, letting my feet dangle for a few moments before jumping down onto the tiled cold floor. My legs feel weird but at the same time releif as I've been in bed for nearly two days. I hold onto the rail attached to the bed as I walk towards the end of the bed.

I pick up my clothes that my mum dropped off before she had to head off to work this morning. It's almost noon so Zara should be here soon to pick me up. Oh yeah, today I'm finally being discharged from the hospital, so no more being on lock down in the room for over 24 hours, no more hospital food. That stuff is just nasty, no flavor what so ever; cardborad has more flavour.

I carry my clothes into the bathroom in the room, closing and locking the door behind me. I place my clothes on top of the close toilet seat. I really cannot wait to get out of here. I untie the hospital gown, pulling it from off of my shoudlers. Luckily, I wasn't completely naked under there otherwise that would've been awkward and uncomfortable for me and the nurses. I still had a pair of boxers on and my socks on. I grab my grey jogging bottoms pulling them on and then grabbing the black t-shirt pulling in on over my head.

I unlock the bathroom door opening it and stepping out, placing the hospital gown on the bed not neatedly folded. I grab the small toiletry bag which I never spotted before, I go back into the bathroom pulling out a toothbrush and toothpaste, I brush my teeth. Then put on some deoderant, after putting it back into the small toiletry bag.

I look in the mirror seeing where the stone had hit me, on my left side of my head. The temple which is probably why I was unconscious for so long. I raise my hand letting my fingertips brush against the small stiches, which I only now just knew I had. But the words Zayn had told me, with what was written on the stone this is what you get for telling people about me. That is still running through my head right now, how did he even know I'd told Zayn and Liam? Oh wait, he's followling me around.

Also another thing that's running through my head is the small card that was attached to the roses which Liam now has. Sorry, I never meant to hurt you, it's just you got me mad and I overreacted. Love you always yeah right, like he was sorry. I don't even think hitting me in the head and putting me into hosital was an accident. This is so fucking strange and I'm doing what he wants, for me to think about him most of the time. I'd push him away from my thoughts if I could but it's eaiser said than done, plus he's got me curious as I don't know who he is. He hasn't said his name or mentioned his name in anything, so he's just gonna be known as the un-named hooded guy who has some form of obsession with me. I shake the thought to the thoughts I wish I wouldn't think about.

I walk back out of the bathroom closing the door after I exit to be joined by Zara walking in. My face lights up as does her's as my dimpled grin appears on my face. She walks towards me wrapping her arms around the lower half on my back, while I wrap my arms around her shoudlers, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 'What was you thinking so hard about?' She mumbles into the crook of my neck.

She pulls away with her hands still on the lower of my back. 'About how glad I am to be getting out of here.' I say which isn't a lie but not the whole truth. I was glad to be getting out if here, I still am.

'Let's get out of here.' I mumble pecking her lips as she drops her hands from my back allowing me to get my phone and keys from off the table beside the bed. I shove it into my pocket and walk back to her her holding my hand out to her. Zara gladly takes it, linking our fingers together we make our way out of the room, down the hallways to the reception area where I had to wait for my painkillers.

'Here you are Harry, takes these 2 3 times a day. You have a weeks supply here, okay?' I smile and nod at her while taking the precription from her hands. 'Okay, thanks.' She smiles back and walks back to where ever she just was.

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