C h a p t e r N i n i t e e n - T h r e e D a y s B e f o r e

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3 Days Before:

'Harry.' I feel someone's warm hand on my shoulder, shaking me slightly. 'Harry, wake up.' I groan as I roll onto my back being blinded by the sunlight coming into my room. I squint my eyes as I look at the person sitting in front of me.

I frown at the person in front of me, I sit up more so in my bed 'Liam? What are you doing here?' I ask as I yawn while stretching also. He smirks as he takes a seat on the edge of my bed. Okay, that's creepy with how he is staring at me while smirking at me.

'Oh Harry... You knew this day would come sooner or later.' He says with enthusiasm in his voice. I narrow my eyes at him. 'What do you mean?' I ask confused. He doesn't respond all he does it stand up from the edge of my bed and begins walking around my bedroom, as though he's inspecting my room.

I raise my brows at him 'Liam, answer me. What did you mean when you said that this day would come sooner or later?' The sound of something banging on the wall catches my attention as I turn my head towards the sound, then turn back around seeing that Liam's gone.

What the fuck? Where did he just go? I frown throwing my duvet from off of me, swinging my legs to the side and standing up. 'Liam?' I ask openly but get no response back. I sigh walking towards where he was standing not long ago.

I sigh again still trying to figure where he went too, as there's no way you can walk around my room without making a sound, it’s just not possible. I shake my head turning around and jumping out of my skin at the sight of Zayn lying on my bed with his arm around the back of his head and him biting his finger nails. Where did he come from?

'Zayn? What are you doing here?' It's like de ja vu but instead of Liam it’s now Zayn.  He just smirks and grins an evil smile. 'You really think I wouldn't find out about you and Jessamy?' He asks. I just feel the colour drain from my face and it must be visible as he just chuckles lowly.

'I pushed her off of me.' I defend but it must go in one ear and out the other as his expression is still the same, he's just smirking at me which is now starting to creep me out.

Out of nowhere I see Jessamy walk up behind me over towards where Zayn is and lies down beside him. Oh, great it’s a nightmare again. I need to wake up before it gets too much for me to handle. Jessamy just looks at me like the way she did when she kissed me, the look I'd love to remove from her face.

The sound of someone screaming my name draws my attention towards my on suite. I freeze as the piercing scream echoes around the room. 'Harry! Help me, please!' A female voice screams, making the hairs all over my body stand on end. I turn back around to my bed seeing it empty. Oh god, please wake up, please.

I grasp the door handle of the bathroom door and turn it, pushing the door open seeing nothing in here. I raise my brows in confusion, I could've swore I heard someone scream? I slowly walk in having my heart race against my rib cage and my breathing increase, as I'm terrified out of my mind.

I see a figure rush past me having me freeze on the spot, my mouth goes dry and my breathing stops. I swallow while taking a deep breath before turning around slowly on the spot. A tall figure with blonde hair and ruby coloured lips stands in front of me. 'Z-Zara?' I scan her face seeing her eyes dull, almost lifeless. Tear stained cheeks, as well as rosey.

She's covered in blood from head to toe, smeared all over her face, clothes and legs. I notice her trembling as though she's scared shitless. I take a step forward raising my arm to touch her but she flinches pushing my hand back. 'I'm so sorry.' She says lowly, with terror in her voice as she breaks down crying in front of me.

Someone claps in a patronising way on the other side of the bathroom. I watch as someone places their arm around Zara's waist, pulling her back into their chest. The person comes into view and my mouth drops, their wearing a hoodie but the bright red coloured hair puts a name to the person immediately. 'G-Gemma?'

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