Chapter 3 : Banks

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Finally my private investigator sent me information about Monica's affair, it took two weeks but I finally have it. Holding the file in my hands made me so happy, my plan is finally coming together. I still have to ruin my parents and siblings then I can happily move on.

Turn outs Monica has been fucking their pool boy for 5 months and she appears to be pregnant, I highly doubt it's Xaviers cause he was out of the country for about 4 months and she is 3 months pregnant which makes it's the pool boys. Worst part, the pool boy is 15 years old.

"Melissa, take this file to News 25/8. Make sure nobody sees you and I want them to create a story by 8 in the evening" I said to my PA.

She quickly nodded and left, now I have to find the footage of my sex tape with Xavier. I have a feeling that in future I might need it, looking out my office window. Looking at the cars and LA traffic made me realize one weird thing, my period was supposed to come a few days ago though it's always late. I'll just wait for it, though I should get a pregnancy test incase, quickly clearing up my thoughts.

I quickly rushed out because my son was coming home today, I couldn't leave with him immediately from Italy until he got all his documents in check. Unfortunately, after my little accident with Xavier I got pregnant with Banks Milan Night-Gray and I had him when I was 15. He was born on the 14th of December, there's a couple days until our birthdays since his was on the 14th of December and my birthday was on the 18th.

My little baby was almost 6 years old and would be starting school soon for the first time since I wasn't comfortable letting him go to kindergarten though he didn't need it, my baby had a high IQ at 5 years old. His IQ was 120 and mine was 140, he could really do Maths for any grade. He didn't need school but I wanted him to have a little bit of a normal life so I enrolled him in one of my old schools.

Only Melissa, my grandmother and I know about Banks because I didn't want the world to come for my baby. When Melissa came back, we headed towards my house since she missed Banks, she really treated him like a nephew.

"Before, we get to the house. I need to tell you something, so I'm going to introduce Banks to world and I think I'm pregnant with another Mini Banks" I rushed out.

"What, can I name the baby this time. You didn't let me give Banks a second name" she pouted at the memory.

"I'll think about it" I lied.

All her baby names were bad though her decorating skills were awesome. She decorated Banks old nursery, my whole house in Italy and my current house. She made Banks room black and gold since he oddly enough shared my love for black, he had a beautiful room and I turned one of extra two bedrooms into a game room and toy room. Banks was so spoiled but he was very humble for a 5 year old.

Arriving at the house and walking towards the main doors. I could hear my baby being chased by our dogs Angel and Diablo, Banks saw puppies one time while we were shopping and I somehow bought him two Pomerian puppies that happened two years ago. "Baby" I yelled while entering the house.

"Mommy" Banks yelled while coming at me with full force.

He knocked me down, I quickly hugged him and placed kisses on his head, Banks was the definition of little prince. He had two different colored eyes though I forgot what they called it, his left eye was a dark ice blue color and his right eye was a stormy grey color. He had sleek black hair that was wavy, he was a good caramel color and he had dimples. He was cuteness overload.

"I missed you baby, how's grandma" I asked while heading towards his new room with Melissa who he hadn't noticed.

"She's okay, she misses you. Where's Aunt Lissy" I snickered at his nickname for Melissa.

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