Chapter 6 : Splitting Up

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Today I was getting out of the hospital and taking the babies home with me. My relationship with Denali has gotten worse turns out she's getting married to the daughter of the Greek Mafia and that she's known for about 3 years. I called off our engagement, removed her from the children's documents and added Xavier, I kicked her out of my life. Denali's future wife decided to invite me to their engagement party and wedding, I graciously accepted. I was going to make Denali regret the day she chose that whore.

But I had to focus on my four children who needed me more despite my broken heart, Dairo and Dewei had gotten a clean bill of health versus Dior who has lung problems. The doctors said she has Asthma and might have a hard time breathing so I had to get oxygen equipment for her since Doctors said she's gonna need it until her early twenties or mid twenties and that she's need to take medications to avoid getting unnecessary attacks.

The babies are currently 2 weeks and 4 days old, their actually on their right path for normal babies, they had each gained 2 pounds which made them 8 pounds. Now I'm currently in my Land Range Rover with the triplets who are sound asleep, we're entering the masion's main gate. It took me 10 minutes to reach the the house, I quickly got out of the car and set up the triplets stroller which can carry three babies.

I quickly placed all of the babies in their own individual seats with their blankets. All of my little angels were sound asleep, I called the maids to come get the babies new clothes, Dior's medicine and oxygen tanks, bags full of toys for Banks. I slowly pushed the stroller in the house to find my whole family inside and the Monette's including Denali and her family with her whore fiancé.

I quickly ignored them and went upstairs with two maids holding the boys while I was carrying Dior and her oxygen tank since she had a breathing tube in her nose. I quickly fed all the babies with the help of my maids and placed them to sleep after burping them. I turned on the monitor and left the room and went towards the first floor.

"Why are you guys here and how did you find my house. Who let you in here" I said without screaming.

"I did, I wanted us to be here when the babies came home." Denali said while her hands were around The Greek whore's waist.

"Where's Banks" I said while discreetly taking out my pistols from my boots.

"He's sleeping" Xavier answered.

Luckily I made the all of the childrens rooms sound proof including mine. I took out the one pistol and pointed it at Denali's wifey and the other at Xavier's wifey. I saw Denali brothers taking out their weapons, luckily my guards came with the machine guns.

"How do you want to die today" I said while laughing.

"Mallory lower the gun, no one needs to die." My mother said.

I quickly shot Amanda who was Denali's whore in the stomach making sure to avoid any major parts and shot Anastasia Xavier's hoe in the inner thigh. They quickly drop into their partners arms.

" Should I go for the end shot, maybe I should just end your miserable lives" I said while looking at these useless women who were crying.

I place my guns on a table and look at them. I quickly go to Amanda and choke her, while Denali was looking at me.

"You think you can take my life and Mafia without you getting killed. I will always be the Donna of the Italian Mafia now I'll be the Donna of two Mafias. Thanks to you" I spat in her face.

"Boys please kill The Gray family but do it near the forest and dump their bodies in Italy near the Italian Mafia headquarters with a note to the Italian headquarters from their new Donna " I said while laughing.

"Mallory, stop" Denali said.

I couldn't care less, I took the pistol shot her in the head and also did the same to Amanda. Guess that makes me the Donna of the Italian and Greek Mafia since Amanda's parents died last year and she has no siblings.

"Now Anastasia how do you want to die with your child or should I spare her and maybe raise her to be my daughter or make her a sex slave" I said while pointing a gun at her stomach.

"Please don't do this Mallory. I'll do anything" Xavier begged.

"Marry me and disown her, we'll keep her daughter but you won't be her father. She'll be raised by the maids and be a future whore in the Italian mafia once she turns 21 if she does something to one of my children. Is she behaves I let her get married to a good Mafia man." I said.

" Okay, I agree please leave Anastasia alone "he said while crying.

I finally had lost it though it was time for me to let him be a father to our four children.

" Our wedding is in two months and you have to make me The Donna of the American Mafia. Together we'll have three Mafia's to leave to our three sons." I said while laughing.

"Everyone leave except for Xavier. If you ever utter a word to anyone. I'll have the best kill you. Guards take Anastasia to the brothel in downtown LA, tell the manager of the brothel to keep the baby healthy when she gives birth Anastasia will be a whore to." I said while watching them leave.

Once everyone left me and Xavier started laughing.

" I told you our plan would work" I said while straddling him.

"Now we own three mafia's" he said while kissing my neck.

Two days after the babies were born me and Xavier sat down and talked about everything. Apparently his parents forced him to marry Anastasia since she was from Spanish Mafia. She was the heir for the Mafia so we actually got have Four Mafia's which means we would need to have another son since we both agreed Dior isn't going to be apart of anything involving the Mafia. We made a plan to steal the Spanish Mafia until we learnt that Denali was engaged to another Mafia heir so we decided to kill all of them.

We fell in love all over again while planning and almost made another baby but stopped. We eventually planned a fake surprise welcoming the triplets home party so we could kill Denali and her family and also Amanda. Anastasia wasn't even pregnant with Xavier's child so it made things more easier for us. Now we own the four most biggest Mafia's.

"Let's go get cleaned up" I said while running towards the stairs and suddenly he was chasing after me until we reached the children's rooms who were still sleeping. We got into my bathtub and started washing the blood off our bodies, which turned into a intense making out session. It was already beginning to be night time since I came home late with the babies.

Xavier woke up Banks to go feed him while I feed, change the babies clothes and diapers. When we were both done we went to sleep with the sleep monitor next to my bed. Drifting off to sleep with my body against Xavier made everything easier....

Around 2 am they went to sleep around 9pm

Suddenly I heard crying and saw that Dario and Dewei were awake while Dior was sound asleep.

"Xavier wake up" I said while shaking him.

He slowly got up and I quickly wore basketball shorts and and easy shirt and throw Xavier some shorts since we were sleeping naked.

We walked into the triplets room I quickly grabbed Dewei and Xavier grabbed Dario. We quickly sat in the two rocking chairs, luckily the room had a couch, a bed and two rocking chairs if we ever fell asleep. I started pumping milk while trying to make them sleep since I knew they were hungry luckily I pumped before I left to go to the hospital.

So we started feeding them milk and change their diapers before placing them in their bassinets, Xavier gently woke up Dior to fed her and she started screaming bloody Mary until he fed her while I was pumping. We finally finished around 3am, we climbed into the bed in the room and fell asleep hopefully they won't wake up until 5 or 7 am...

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