Chapter 5 : The Fiancé's

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Black, that's all I saw and have been seeing for a while. I had gotten used to this environment, I could hear little words and sentences but not a lot. I often heard babies, swearing and crying. That seem weird but today felt a little different, I could feel pain in stomach area which also felt larger. After a while the pain stopped and I felt lighter, piercing cries could be heard which sent a surge of energy in me.

My eyes were wide open and didn't waste time, I looked around to see that I was in a hospital room but it felt more expensive and rich. I was alone with three black bassinets which made me more confused, the piecering cries became more louder which my heart beat to go faster. The world started to get darker and darker. Suddenly loud footsteps came into the room, yelling was heard. I could only see blurry figures and then a hot liquid was shot into my arm.

My vision got better and the world stopped turning dark, I saw doctors and nurses. Looking around confused spotting three empty bassinets, which felt odd.

"Mallory, welcome back to the world. It's currently August 20th 2019. You were in a coma for about 8 months because you got shot in near your heart it caused your body to shut down. 2 hours ago you had a C-section to deliver your triplets who are currently in NICU, they are a healthy for premies" she explained.

"What babies" I whispered.

"You were 2 weeks pregnant when you got shot so we have to perform emergency surgery for your heart and induced a medical coma for the rest of your pregnancy to make sure you carried the babies until 32 weeks, you actually carried until 34 weeks which helped your babies. "she said

" You have two sons and a daughter, they'll need to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks and you need to stay for a week and 4 days. We have informed your immediate family that you're awake and delivered the babies and a nurse is going to take to the NICU then you have to fill in the birth certificates. Your fiancé will be here in 20 minutes "she said.

My fiancé Denali Bronx Gray, we've been engaged since Banks was four years old, she was there for me when I gave birth to Banks and that's when it all started. She was a Donna in the Italian Mafia, but people know her as the 10th richest woman in Italy. The last time we talked was when I told her I accidentally slept when Xavier and Banks had to come to Los Angeles, she wasn't mad though which was weird.

Being wheeled into the NICU and seeing three cute babies, I went to Baby A first who was a boy and exactly like Banks from the skin color to the hair, he had cute pouty lips and he was born with a head full of wavy black hair. When he opened his eyes, I was shocked, he also had Heterochromia like Banks. His left eye was a dark ice blue and his right eye was a stormy grey color, his eyes were exactly like Banks eyes.

He was in a diaper and had a cute little black hat that had a gold D on it
, he looked so peaceful in the incubator and had a breathing tube. I went to Baby B was a Boy, who looked like Baby A. They were twins and looked exactly the same I thought until he opened his eyes and had stormy grey eyes with hints of ice blue in them. My baby boys were both cute caramel babies, finally I went to see my daughter.

She was so precious, she had these big and cute pouty lips, she had the most hair out of all three babies. Her hair was messy curls and eyes were dark ice blue eyes with hints of stormy grey, she was a little me. I realized all of the babies were wearing black hats that a D in gold on them that I made years ago, for my future child. I quickly kissed all their little hands and went back to my room and saw my fiancé waiting for me.

Denali had emerald eyes and her hair was a firey red color, her skin was a olive tone and she had curves in the right places. She was so perfect but had a deadly attitude.

"Mallory, are you okay. Where does it hurt, Did you see the babies, Did you like the hats, Do you remember me" she rambled on.

"Denali, I remember you my dear wifey and I'm in a little pain. I saw the babies and I love the hats" I told her while the nurse helped me into bed, Denali didn't even waste time, she took off her heels and jumped into my bed.

"I missed you" she said while snuggling into my neck and I responded with a kiss on her head.

I saw the bags under her eyes and let her drift into sleep.

Then eventually the nurse came with the birth certificates and I named the babies. Baby A is Dario Micah Night-Grey, Baby B is Dewei Marcellus Night-Grey and Baby C is Dior Milia Night-Grey. All of my little angels or devils had names, I quickly signed all of their documents. When I was done, Banks stormed through the door with everyone and Xavier was with a woman who was pregnant and had a ring on her finger and so did he. The woman looked to be Asian and Spanish, she had brown eyes and dark black hair.

"Mommy and Mommy Nali wake up" he screamed.

Denali woke up and got out of the bed in a protective stance near me.

"Why are the Monettes here and who is the hoe" I whispered. Everyone gasped who heard while Denali started laughing and Banks didn't hear a single word.

"She's my fiancé , who is pregnant with our daughter and she's a lawyer so be careful" Xavier said.

"So you tried creating another Banks with this bitch, that's so sad. My fiancé is more powerful than yours so don't mess with us" I sneered.

"You evil bitch. I'm gonna help him get his children back and I'm going to be a better mom to them than you" this hoe said.

Denali quickly choked her.

"Never threaten my fiancé and my children. I will murder you and your bastard fiancee " she spat and drop the hoe.

"Everyone stop we came to see the new babies" my mother screamed while glaring at Xavier and me.

"The only people allowed to see my children are Mateo, Dad, Denali and Banks. The rest of you are a danger to my children especially my sisters and the Monette sisters" I said.

My mom looked sad and I didn't gave a fuck.

"Their names are Dario Micah Night-Grey, Dewei Marcellus Night-Grey and Dior Milia Night-Grey." I said.

"Why do my children have your whores surname instead of mine" Xavier spat out.

That's it, I called the nurse and kicked everyone out except for my brother, father and son. Then Denali went to see the babies with Banks, my father and my brother. Maybe I should reconsider letting Xavier in my children's lifes but he doesn't deserve them. My children don't deserve to be hurt by him.


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