Chapter 11 : Love Prt.1

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Being pregnant for the third time in my life was awful. This would be my worst pregnancy yet, I was currently around 8 months almost 9. I was specifically around 38 weeks which meant I had to get a C-section soon due to the triplets being born via C-section. With this pregnancy I couldn't do much, I was put on bed rest immediately when I hit fourth months. My feet got swollen so badly and these babies refused to sleep, they were always kicking which was awful. Luckily later today is my C-section and I'm so happy.

Honestly me and Melissa are done being pregnant. Melissa's pregnancy is similar to mine so she hated being pregnant especially with multiples, poor her. Oddly enough we were scheduled the same day for our C-sections since Melissa had started experiencing bad contractions despite her being 36 weeks pregnant so her doctor decided it would be best for her to deliver before she puts the babies in danger.

"Mallory, come downstairs" Xavier yelled.

You would think me having swollen feet meant that he would have to come to me but no I have to go to him.

I waddled my poor self down the stairs from the third floor until the second.

"What do you want" I said while being annoyed.

"Well since it's 7am and we need to go to the hospital by 10am. I thought we would have enough time to check the babies rooms, get your bags in the car, the babies bags in the car and the car seats and don't forget the bassinets" he said while opening the door to the twins room.

"So that doesn't involve me. It involves you and a few of the maids. I'm going to check on the triplets and Banks" I said while leaving the twins room.

The Terror Triplets or Dior, Dewei and Dario were about a year old and 4 months old. The triplets were a absolute nightmare, they never slept even at the age of one. They were constantly climbing on things, opening random liquids and throwing them everywhere. They loved playing hide and seek more like hide for no reason until the whole staff has to search for them. So they also added on to my horrible pregnancy and the fact that they got even more clingy including Banks.

All four kids kicked their father out of our bedroom and forced him to sleep in the guest room next to our room. They were always sleeping with me whenever they got the chance or when they found me napping. Banks is going to be 8 and has turned into a little demon who is constantly pranking the staff and his father. He was in year 11 at the age of 7, despite him being a child genius he was turning into my worst child yet but he's most lashing out because he doesn't want anymore siblings.

But I told him more like screamed at him to stop acting like a selfish bitch. I blame it on my hormones, I swear to God after this pregnancy I'm going to tie my fallopian tubes.

"Stop it" I yelled going into the playroom to find out my devil children thought that it would be funny to have paint fight while wearing white clothes.

"That's it. I'm done, you guys are going to Papa Mario's house right now. Banks go get your traveling bag and also the triplets" I told them

"Aurora, Aurelia, Anna and Belle. Come upstairs to the second floor , it's urgent" I said into the intercom system.

I impatiently waited for the four maids to come upstairs since Banks decided to scare away all the nannies we had to use the maids until we found a new temporary nanny.

"Please give the triplets and Banks a bath. Make them wear grey and navy blue clothes, then pack them a visiting bag since they'll be staying with my parents until I come" I said with a hint of pissed off.

The maids wasted no time in getting a child and taking them to get bathed.
Checking the time to see that's it's almost 7:30. Made me go upstairs to try taking a bath for last while being pregnant.

"Xavier, come help me" I yelled while opening the bathroom door and getting naked.

"Let me guess, you need help taking a bath" he teased me.

"Does it look like I have fucking patience for your useless teasing. Just help me." I told him while considering killing him.

He just started laughing while getting the water ready, this man was the most annoying human being I've ever met but I loved him with my entire heart . He's always been the love of my life even when I was with Denali, it's hard denying a part of you that longs being with the person who you genuinely love with your entire heart and who also loves you with their whole entire heart. A person who is there for you during your dark days, days when you don't even love yourself but they still love you unconditionally.

A person who loves you when you even felt like you were unworthy and undeserving of that love. That was Xavier for me.

"Let's get into the bath" he said to me while getting naked.

He got inside first, then I followed after. I immediately laid my back against him, his hands went around my large bump. Everything felt right for a little while.

"Xavier do you really love me" I asked while placing my hands on top of his.

"Mallory, I do. I will never say I love you for the wrong reasons, I say it cause I mean it" he said while placing a kiss on to my hair.

"Let's get you cleaned" he said to while splashing water into my face.

After 30 minutes of having a water fight, bathing and then him falling while trying to get out of the bathtub to help me we were done. Now I was dressed in Xavier's Versace tracksuit since I preferred wearing his clothes over mine.

"Everything is ready including the little demons let's go to the hospital" Xavier said to me.

I was going to have two more babies, this felt so unreal......

Part 2 will be the continuation of this chapter but expect more drama 😤🐤we are almost at 300 reads.

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