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Almost 19 years later....

It's been 19 years since my baby girl was snatched from me. Ever since then I refused to let anyone in my life or heart. I raised my sons to be ruthless Mafia Dons, I raised Brooklyn in a malicious way. I made sure that no one would ever take any of my children again.

Brooklyn wasn't allowed to leave the mansion at all, her whole life was in the mansion. Her brothers especially Banks supported my decision since losing Dior broke him. I didn't want my children to feel the loss of losing another sibling ever again.

My four sons had already taken over their own Mafias. Banks is the Don of the Italian Mafia, Dewei is the Don of the American Mafia, Dario is the Don of the Spanish Mafia and Bronx recently became the Don of the Greek Mafia.

All of my sons had already surprised me by all willing agreeing to be apart of the Mafia without me having to threaten them. They all have already made a huge impact on the Mafia world, their all living up to the Night family name.

Whereas Brooklyn took a huge interest into the business world which caused me to give her 40% of the business I owned in Italy since but she works from home until she turns 21. Melissa had eventually found another love of her life which was Luca who is oddly Luciano's twin brother who she met at Victoria's and Luciano's wedding.

Melissa and Luca had three other children with each other who are Lucas, Lorenzo and Lavinio who were all triplets they were about almost 17 and the twins who were Taylani and Treylin are almost 19.

Then we have Victoria and Luciano who also had three more kids. They were almost triplets and Victoria was happy being pregnant again with triplets. Though this time it was triplet boys who looked exactly like Victoria. Their names are Michelangelo, Mariano and Manilio who were almost 16 and the triplet girls were almost 18.

My mother and Marcus had three more children. Melissa who is almost 17, then the twins Monica and Manuele who were almost 15. Most of the children are in their teens expect for Banks who is almost 28 and has no partner or children which is odd and my sons Dario and Dewei are almost 21 while the twins Bronx and Brooklyn are almost 19.

Eventually we all lost hope and stopped for searching Dior and accepted the worst.

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