Chapter 15 : Mafia Court

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We've been in Italy for about two weeks, Melissa moved out into my old penthouse which is heavily guarded. Victoria is officially 14 weeks pregnant which is still amazing because she has endometriose which made her chances of convincing were very slim. So she was overjoyed but she's a high risk pregnancy though funny part she's having triplets which is so odd. All of my friends and I at this point have multiple children, which made our bond even stronger.

Melissa and I decided to take our idiotic baby fathers to Mafia Court which is basically court but for Mafia heads, it's basically a little more complicated but it's the best thing for us versus real court. There's a judge who works for the Mafia that normal people think is the best judge on earth, in most cases people get stripped of their Mafia titles which is painful because you lose your money, businesses and Mafia ranking.

My cases were basically for cheating, custody, conspiring with the enemy, divorce and basically claiming a mafia that I rightfully took from the heir. Melissa only had one case which is custody, though I'm sure that Xavier would have a case against Luciano for betrayal but the judge would understand because of the whole pregnancy and Xavier wanting to sell his own daughter without my permission.

Right now me, Melissa, Victoria and Luciano were heading towards the courthouse in Milan. All of us were wearing black, white and emerald basically representing my rightful three Mafia's. Luciano is officially my new underboss since Victoria wanted to retire because of her future children. We arrived at the courthouse with the media following us, the media in Italy is so much worse than the ones in America.

Heading inside to see Xavier with Anastasia who looked smug. He had his hands around her waist, inside I was burning with bitterness and hatred but outside I looked like I didn't give a flying fuck.

"Hi, Mallory" Anastasia said.

I simply ignored her and headed towards the court room. Shit is about to go down.....

Soon everyone started coming which was basically us, the idiots we brought here, the jury and our lawyers. No one else was needed because it would be dumb and most of the time, people get killed in Mafia Court.

"Everyone may be seated" the judge said as she was approaching.

She was apart of the Italian but that doesn't mean she'll favor me.

"The Italian /Greek/Spanish mafia please present your case" she said while looking through the files.

"I'll be representing my self. I have a degree in Law. Today I'm here because Xavier Monette broke the terms of our prenuptial agreement and tried selling our daughter to The Russian Royalty without my consent. He also conspiraced with The Russians to bring down all of my Mafias and I would like to get custody of all of our children. I would also love to get a restraining order against him for child endangerment "I said in a monotone voice.

" American Mafia are the claims against you true "she said glaring at them.

" My client did not sign a prenuptial agreement. We would also like to get full custody of the children and a divorce. Also Luciano Maitre has betrayed our Mafia "his lawyer said while glaring at Luciano.

" Objection your honor "I said.

" On what grounds Mrs Monette "she said listening to me.

" Luciano only betrayed the American Mafia because of his future children who will be born into the Italian Mafia. I also have a tape of Xavier signing a prenuptial agreement, my other client Melissa Xantos wants custody for her twins due to her baby father impregnating her with the intention to sell one of their children to The Russians in place of my daughter "I said.

"I have reviewed the evidence given to me by The Italian Mafia. Does The American have evidence against the Italians" she said while looking Xavier.

"We do not" Xavier's lawyer said.

"Xavier also tried taking The Spanish Mafia from me which I rightfully took and he also took my captive from me" I said while glaring at Anastasia.

"Mrs Monette also stole Xavier and Anastasia's daughter from them." this pathetic female lawyer said.

"I didn't steal the child. The mother willingly give me the child so she could live. What kind of mother gives another woman her child for selfish reasons" I spat out.

"You lying whore. You stole our daughter and my Mafia" Anastasia screamed at me.

"Miss Light, please contain your client before I kick her out of my court" The judge said at Xavier's lawyer.

"I will give my decision in a hour's time. I'm going to my chamber to deliberate and the jury will also give me their decision" the judge she while leaving.

A hour later...

We were back in the court room and it was time for the decision.

"I've made my decision regarding every case" the judge said.

"Malloy Lyn gets award with sole custody of the children. She also gets half of Xavier's estates and companies, a restraining order against Xavier and also The Spanish Mafia. Melissa Xantos will be awarded sole custody of her children and Mateo has to pay monthly child support that's around 200K a month which shouldn't be hard for him. Luciano Matire will not be charged with betraying the Mafia or death. Anastasia you are ordered to hand over your Mafia by the end of today, you will be stripped of your wealth and Malloy will hold you captive. Xavier, you will have to start paying 250k for each child monthly child support and Mallory is granted a divorce from you. You will also pay her alimony that is around 2 million per month. That's my final judgment "she said leaving the court room.

" Ragazzi, prendi questa zappa e portala nella casa della puttana. Assicurati che venga venduta ai russi" I said while looking at Anastasia

(Boys, get this hoe and take her to the whore house. Make sure she's gets sold to the Russians"

They didn't even waste time. They got her and dragged her outside of the court room.

"Your daughter with face the same as her mother when she grows up" I spat in Xavier's face before I left.

No one mess with Mallory Lyn Night.....

Thanks for 450 about the editing I decided that I'll edit when I've published Chapter 20 or 22. So for now I won't edit.......

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