Chapter 13 :Idiots Prt 3

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Victoria's P.O.V

I didn't even waste time after Mallory called me, I got the A and B team ready to go to LA. No one is going to steal the princess of the Italian and Greek Mafia, luckily I had been speaking to Luciano ( Xavier's underboss and best friend) since we were officially a couple but I hadn't told Mallory yet. Luciano has been suspicious of Xavier since everyone found out that the Russian Mafia has a interest in Dior and told me, so me and him had already planned an escape plan for Mallory and the kids which got changed because of the whole Xavier wanting to give Dior to the Russian Mafia in 48 hours thing.

Luckily me and the teams had about 10 minutes left until we land in LA. The plan was that Mallory was going to meet at the secret airport we had near the safe house, we would immediately get all the clothes, items and baby things on the plane. Then four of our spies would go to the hospital to get the new babies, Melissa and her babies. While the spies are at the hospital, the rest of us including Mallory are going to her parent's estate to get the triplets and Banks.

Luciano wanted to come with us to Italy since the whole American Mafia would want to kill him for betraying his Don, but he didn't care because he refused to watch his niece be sold to him Russian Mafia since he knew how cruel they were. Plus the fact that I'm three months pregnant made him want to leave the American Mafia for me which I found sweet asf.

"Everyone get your guns ready" I told them seeing that we landed.

"Remember that were doing this for our Donna and our heirs" I screamed.

I immediately left one of the three private jets we were using since we were about 60 plus we brought 6 doctors for the premature babies.

Immediately Mallory started walking up to us but she was wearing the same outfit as me (their outfits are in the media)

"Victoria, what's happening with your stomach" she said while looking at my stomach.

"It's a very long story that involves Luciano" I told her......

Mallory's P.O.V

After listening to Victoria's explanation about how she got pregnant, Luciano was coming with us and that she was going to fight with us. But I immediately shut her down.

"Don't you even dare think you're going to fight us while you're pregnant. You are going to stay here with 5 members of the A team while the spies go get Melissa and the four babies. You are going to stay in the house and wait for us. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you "I said in a powerful voice.

She just nodded and started heading towards the safe house with the five members of the A team, while the rest of us started getting into our individual cars. I didn't even care that I had stitches, no one is going to sell my baby to some Russian bastards. We were lucky that it was around 1am and my parents wouldn't have time to expect a attack. We just had to get the kids and my dogs, then immediately go to Italy.

After about 45 minutes we arrived at my parent's estate.

"Everyone guns loaded and bullet proof vests on. Ricorda che nessuno casino con la mafia italiana senza essere uccisa " I said to them

(Remember that no one mess with the Italian Mafia without getting killed)

We immediately went inside while some of the members kill the guards using silencers. The moment I just easily opened the front door proved how stupid my parents were.

"Dieci di voi stando con me al terzo piano per ottenere i miei figli. Tre di voi prenderanno Angel e Diablo, il resto di te assicurarsi che nessuno si rendesse realizzato erano qui. Uccidi chiunque attraversa il tuo percorso" I said immediately heading towards the stairs.

(Ten of you are going with me to the third floor to get my children. Three of you are going to get Angel and Diablo, the rest of you make sure no one realizes were here. Kill anyone who crosses your path).

Then first thing I did when I got to the third floor, I headed towards my old bedroom knowing that's where I would find my children. Opening the door to my old bedroom, I saw all my children sleeping in one bed which was very wrong especially since the boys loved kicking in their sleep.

"Angelina, prendi banche. Braylon, prendi Dior. Carter, prendi Dewei e Derek Ho bisogno che tu prenda Dario. Andiamo" I said to them.

(Angelina, you take Banks. Braylon, you take Dior. Carter, you take Dewei and Derek I need you to take Dario. Let's go).

After the four members got the triplets and Banks, we immediately went downstairs to find my parents were awake and had guns to their heads.

"Le persone che sono salite di sopra con me, ho bisogno che tu vada immediatamente con i bambini e i cani. La mafia americana sarà qui presto" I said while taking out a pistol and pointing it towards my father.

(The people who went upstairs with me, I need you to leave immediately with the kids and the dogs. The American Mafia is going to be here soon)

Luckily all my children were heavy sleepers which is a trait they inherited from their idiotic father.

"How does it feel to know that I'll always bet you at your own game" I said to my father.

"You will never will win Mallory, Dior belongs with the Russian Mafia and you know that" he said to me.

I didn't even waste time pulling the trigger. His body dropped next to my former mother. Did he really think he would threaten me and just live like that, I didn't even waste time killing his wife.

"Andiamo ora" I said while wiping the blood off my face.

(Let's go now).

The moment we left, I felt pure joy. Knowing that I killed those two idiots, filled my black heart with a little bit of joy and emotion. Immediately when we arrived at the safe house, we didn't even waste time. Everyone went to a airplane.

"Luciano, I'm glad you could join us" I said seeing him holding Dior on the plane while sitting next to Victoria.

"I'm sorry, you found out this way about my relationship with Victoria" he said while playing with Dior's curly locks of hair.

"It's fine" I said while sitting next to Melissa.

"Mallory, thank God you saved me and my babies. They would've taken my daughter, if they didn't get Dior" she said while crying.

I just immediately started comforting her. No one is going to take my children away from me, Not now, Not ever.

I'm so happy that I could save my new born babies Brooklyn and Bronx who were sound asleep next to Melissa's children Taylani and Treylin....

What's gonna happen next. We're almost at 400 reads and thank you for 350 reads......I'll edit it tonight or tomorrow...

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