Chapter 10 : Russians

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It's been two months since we found out about the Russian Mafia has been wanting to take my now 7 month old daughter who was crawling everywhere. The triplets started crawling a month ago and try standing while holding chairs or people's leg, I spend my days chasing babies, trying to run a billionaire empire and The Greek and Italian mafia so to say I was stressed was a understatement. On top of that Banks found Melissa and Mateo in the guest bedroom on the second floor trying to make a baby, so Banks was shocked and told Xavier who scolded them but keeps teasing them.

Now I was going to the hospital with Dior and Melissa since it was time for Dior's checkup and me and Melissa were feeling sick asf. It's most likely the flu since Xavier, Mateo and my dad got the flu and gave it to everyone except for my sons, nephews and nieces. The children didn't get it for some reason, but all of the adults expect us got it until now.

We arrived at the hospital and now I'm holding Dior while Melissa is holding the baby bag. We look like absolute zombies. My usual curly hair was in a super messy bun, I looked so pale while Melissa's usually straight locks were in a pony and her skin was paler than snow. We both were in sweats cause we felt cold asf even though it was mildly hot. While we were getting signed in I started getting dizzy and I saw Melissa looking the same way I did. A random nurse took Dior before we fell to the floor.

"Miss are you okay" another nurse asked.

Suddenly pain shot through my whole body, I felt a liquid coming from my legs. I felt my pants getting wet, then everything got darker.

"Get me two beds. Their bleeding" is that last thing I heard.

Darkness. I was fed up at this point with the consent darkness, but this time it seemed worse. I saw my worst nightmares, it was like the darkness was tormenting me......

What seemed to be hours turned to months. Until I heard beeping and I could see a little bit of light, everything became less dark. My eyes felt a little less heavy and I opened them to see myself in a private hospital room. White walls and that horrible hospital smell, suddenly the light peach door opened .

A doctor who seemed Asian walked in, she had black hair and olive eyes. She had the usually doctors coat and wore glasses.

"Morning Mrs Monette. Welcome back to the land of the living" she joked.

I just looked at her with a bored expression.

"Tough crowd. Well you've been out for about three weeks so now your around 11 weeks and 4 days pregnant. You also had almost a miscarriage cause we found abortion pills in your blood but we were able to save your twins. We put you in a medically induced coma to prevent any stress to your body. "she said to me.

" What babies "I whispered.

"Well, you are currently pregnant with twins and the women that came with you is also pregnant with twins but she's 9 weeks pregnant. Congratulations" she said to me.

Twins, two babies. I already have 4, what the fuck am I supposed to do with another 2 so I'll have 6 children by the time I'm 23.

"You can leave unless you have anything else to say" I told her.

"You'll be discharged in 3 days when you hit 12 weeks and we have already informed your family. They'll be here shortly, there's a bag of your belongings that your PA brought" she said to me. Then she left...

That doctor look familiar, for some odd reason an uneasy feeling immediately came to me...

She's from the Russian Mafia. Oh shit, she was one of their spies and she looked nervous. I quickly opened the bag to find my guns, a black catsuit that might be a little tight since I have a slight bump, knifes, ninja stars, black boots and a few more things. I quickly pull of all the wires and machines off of me.

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