Chapter 4 : Almost

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7 years ago

April 28th

I've been living with my grandmother for a month, it's been two months since Xavier and his friends released the tape. I couldn't believe he betrayed me like that, suddenly the urge to threw up come. I run past my grandmother and threw up for the 5th time today.

She came in with three boxes which were pregnancy tests. Tears flowed down my face, I couldn't be pregnant with his child. I took a 5 litre bottle of water and started drinking it until I peed on every last test, the tests didn't even waste time. Within a few seconds the results showed, the first test was positive, the second was positive and the third was positive and said that I was around 8 weeks pregnant.

I immediately broke down......

Present day

Today was my birthday and my dad asked me to go to their house, I agreed cause after seeing him with Banks my heart changed towards him. I was about to get out of bed when my three little creatures climbed on me.

"Happy Birthday Day Mommy" Banks sang while holding two cupcakes.

"Thank you Baby" I kissed his head when suddenly two cupcakes were smashed into my face.

I couldn't stop laughing and the dogs started licking my face. Banks was on the floor laughing at me, I would get him back in 2 days. I quickly cleaned my face and picked out my clothes. I quickly checked the time it was around 10 am and we would have to leave around 12 am, I went to Banks room I picked out a blue jeans, a black t shirt and black LV sneakers. I took a Jean jacket and pj's incase he wanted to sleep there , I packed his traveling bag and overnight back.

I headed to my room, took out a similar outfit to him though I would be wearing a black bodysuit, I took a Jean jacket and pj's. I'm sure that Banks would want to stay overnight so I packed my overnight bag and took both bags to my black Mercedes-Benz S-Class, since I wanted to take a sedan instead of SUV. I quickly grab outfits for the next day which would be a Grey jumpsuit for me and and Grey set for him, also our toiletries. I placed everything in the car and double checked our things, then headed upstairs to get Banks ready.

After 45 minutes of fighting with Banks and giving him a bath he was clean, dressed and in the play room while I was covered in water. I took a nice 20 minute shower, got dressed and curled my hair. I only did my base and added a nice red lip, I checked on the dogs who were wrestling in the backyard. I quickly took their things and placed them in the car since we would sleeping in my old room.

"Banks, grab the dogs beds and take them near the car" I yelled while making his food and making a smoothie for me. He came me down the stairs and went into the garage placed the beds near the car and came into the kitchen. I quickly feed him his omelet and grab a his bottle that had orange juice, I placed him in his car seat, the dogs in the backseat on top of a blanket and the beds in the car. I took my smoothie and a piece of chocolate cake that me and my baby baked yesterday though we brought the whole cake with us.

"Mommy, can we listen to Jhené Aiko" he said while looking out the window.

I just laughed and played Sing To Me which was his favorite song. We listened to censored songs and arrived at my parents estate at around 12:35 since we left at 11:30, we were late because it took a while to get through traffic. I quickly parked next to Mateo's car.

"Triggered when I see your face" Banks sang before I switched of the car.

I took him out of the car and the dogs who had their leashes, I took the bag that had my baby's toys and games. With Banks holding the leashes and me holding the cake we entered the house, luckily a maid saw me and took the cake. I quickly placed Banks on my hip and took the leashes from him, we were singing Sing To Me as we walked into the sitting room to find people clapping their hands, we laughed.

I saw my parents, siblings, The Monettes, Xavier's old group of friends, Monica's friends and Mateo friend's. Before I could say anything after our little performance, Banks jumped from my hands and ran into Teo's hands . Did he just do that, my baby betrayed me.

"Did you steal my son. I spent 9 months carrying him, 34 hours of labour and raised him for almost 6 years and you steal him " I said while pouting.

Teo just stuck his tongue out and I flipped him secretly. I led Angel and Diablo outside so they could play with my parents dogs, I went back inside to find Moncia trying to pick up my child.

"Back away from the child, you ever try again. I will kill you" I said in a sweet tone, she immediately backed up.

"Be nice. It's your sister and don't forget you have a twin" my mother said. I glared at her.

I looked to see Xavier's and Mateo's friends looking shocked at Banks who was playing a game with Mateo on his iPad. While Monica's friends were glaring at me along with my sisters and The Monettes which were Katie, Kiely and Kara. I ignored them and quickly posted a picture of me while I was pregnant with Banks during my birthday, I was wearing a black jump suit and smiling rubbing my baby.

Caption :
Almost 7 years ago, on this day I was patiently waiting for the arrival of my Angel. The fear of you and me sharing a birthday was there but when you were born on the 20th of December 2012, I was so overwhelmed

Then I posted a video of him and me singing Sing To Me yesterday while we were wearing our pj's. I quickly exited all of my social media pages, I focused on my baby who wanted to show everyone our chocolate cake. A maid brought the cake, plates and a knife. Me and Banks started cutting pieces for everyone since he always celebrated my birthday as if it was his. We stared eating the cake and people were moaning from eating the cake and I knew cake was great cause me and Banks were good bakers.

I noticed that Moncia had brought her lover boy and was feeding him cake, that sight was absolutely awful. She was 6 years older than him but who am I to judge. Xavier's sisters and friends couldn't stop looking Banks who had chocolate all over his face.

"Teo bring him to kitchen and Michael(Teo's friend) bring me wipes" I said while heading to the kitchen.

While removing the chocolate from my son who seemed to be eating a strawberrys from the fruit bowl, The Monettes followed me.

"We would like to apologize about everything" "Don't even start, your apology is 7 years to late, because you realized I gave birth to your former child. If want to be in our lifes don't bother, I wouldn't let my child around three whores and a stupid pathetic man" I spat out.

I quickly took Banks back to Teo and his friends since I've always gotten along with them and they helped me through the bullying after the tape. They quickly went to play a soccer with him since apparently their gonna make my child into a sports legend, I quickly took videos of them playing. I quickly started talking to my father about Banks, I told him about his school, birthday wish and how smart he is for a 5 year old.

A cry from my angel made me run outside to find out that Luciano (Xavier's bestfriend) had kicked a ball at my child that hit him in the leg. I lunged at him at started punching Luciano.

"Don't*punch*ever*punch*hit*punch *my child *punch*ever again" I spat out until Xavier pulled me off of him.

"It was a mistake" Xavier said. I turned around with a slap.

I quickly picked up Banks and tried calming him down before he got a asthma attack. He eventually calmed down and went back to play Teo, I kicked Xavier and Luciano out of the backyard. I checked the time to see it was 3pm, I couldn't believe we were here for almost 3 hours. I was heading towards the living room when I felt a little bit dizzy I ignored the feeling, until Xavier held me in his hands. Suddenly, the room was spinning and my arm were dripping a red liquid while pain erupted through it .

I suddenly fell into his hands and the last thing I remember was.

"She's bleeding,it's not stopping" I heard my dad.....

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