Chapter 18 : Little Devils

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Today was the birthday of my three demons, to think that two years ago I woke up from a coma and had found out that I gave birth to three babies is weird. The triplets had already started with the Night birthday craze, they were so loud and running around naked. Now I was holding a white towel looking for Dewei, that little stormy eyed demon is going to get it.

"Aaahhh" I heard coming from the staircase.

Shit, since I was on second floor it meant that I was 6 rooms from the staircase.
I immediately headed into the bathroom and grabbed 2 more towels. I immediately started heading towards the staircase, to only see all three demons on top of Rose naked.

"Dario, Dewei και Dior. Πάρτε τα άκρα σας από το Rose πριν σας κλειδώσω στα δωμάτιά σας. Πάω να ακυρώσω το κόμμα σας αν κάνετε ένα ακόμα άτακτο πράγμα" I yelled as I was going towards the end of the staircase.

(Dario, Dewei and Dior. Get your butts off of Rose before I lock you in your rooms. I'm going to cancel your party if you do one more naughty thing).

They immediately jumped off of Rose and stood in a line in front of me.

"Don't try me little demons. Go to Isabella, Maria and Jane." I said while wrapping towels around their naked bodies. After I was done, they headed towards the kitchen where they would find the three nannies for them.

"What are you doing here, Rose" I asked while placing my hands on my hips.

"Your two friends invited me for the triplets birthday and said that you needed some help with the triplets" she said coming towards me.

"Is that the only reason" I said while walking towards her.

"I also wanted to see my girlfriend of 2 weeks" she said wrapping her hands around my waist.

"Has it really been two weeks Il mio amore" I said placing a kiss on her lips.

(My love).

She just laughed and returned the kiss which slowly turned into a make out session the stairs. At this point I was on top of her with my black blouse unbuttoned and Rose's hands were messaging my breasts.

"Mallory, what the fuck are you doing" shit. I immediately jumped off of Rose and looked at my mother.

"Lyn, who is that woman" she said crossing her hands.

"She's my wife obviously" I said getting annoyed since she interrupted out moment.

"Mallory, don't be snarky with me. I'm still the woman who gave birth to you, I will still whoop your ass despite you being 23 and a Mafia Donna " she yelled at me.

"Where are my grandbabies" she asked while her poor husband was struggling to hold the presents they brought for the children.

"On the second floor, Anna and Luke come take the present from my father" I said.

My mother's eye softened at me calling Markus my father because it was one of her wishes.

This man has been treating me and my children like family for the past two months we've been in Italy more than my own family has. I also decided to give my mom a chance luckily they lived 30 minutes away from us so we decided to give our relationship a try and it was genuinely amazing to get love from my mother.

"I'm going to change since you absolutely refused to allow me to wear black at their party" I mumbled.

I went to the third floor while scrolling on ig, luckily it was around 12 am and the party starts at 12:55.

"Banks, get out of my room" I yelled at my idiotic son who was for some odd reason in my bathtub with the dogs.

He just huffed and got out of the the tub with the dogs. I'm starting to regret getting him two dogs at a young age.

"Leave, walk your naked ass towards your room" I said kicking him out.

"But I need a towel, I can't walk around naked." he moaned out.

I ignored him and went to take out a white jumpsuit which honestly looked cute asf. It took me about 30 minutes to do my hair and makeup, I went for natural look and two big messy buns. I quickly rushed downstairs towards the ballroom since it had two large glass doors that lead towards the garden and outdoor pool.

"There's my one and only Diamante" Rose said heading towards me.

Before I could even respond, Dior and Dewei somehow managed to get onto the table that had Dario's cake on it. They were coveted in cake icing which ruined their white outfits since the cake since was black and gold.

"Hai due minuti, per scendere da quello prima di cancellare tutto. Perché sei bambini come questo" I yelled trying to go strangle my two children.

(You have two minutes, to get down from that before I cancel everything. Why are you children like this).

"Mallory, calmati" Rose said while stroking my hair.

(Calm down).

"I'm sick and tired of having to deal with these three brats, two babies and a moody eight year old. Sometimes I wish that I would've given you to your father and that whore. You guys are constantly causing trouble, I have a empire and multiple Mafia's to run, I can't be always here to take care you of you guys yet you still continue to be evil children "I continued yelling while everyone kept quiet.

" Ni siquiera podías comportarse durante 30 minutos, estoy enfermo y cansado de que ustedes son niños traviesos. Hasta que aprendas a comportarse, no vas a obtener nada, incluyendo juguetes y perros nuevos." I yelled.

(You couldn't even behave for 30 minutes, I'm sick and tired of you being naughty children. Until you learn to behave, you aren't going to get anything including toys and new dogs)

I immediately left the ballroom and went towards the shooting range outside. I was going to relieve my anger before I fly to America and kill Xavier for giving me four horrible children.

"Donna, Xavier è al tuo cancello" I heard a guy telling me while I was rushing towards the shooting range.

(Donna, Xavier is at your gate).

That's it, I'm going to fucking kill him today. This bastard while be reunited with his fucking daughter in hell.

"Tutti prendono i tuoi telefoni. Vai a nascondere le femmine e i bambini nella sala sicura dietro il mio armadio." I yelled while ripped the coat part of my jumpsuit off.

(Everyone get your phones. Go hide the females and children in the safe room behind my closet.)

It's about to go down.......

We're almost at 700 reads and I haven't uploaded in a while because I'm currently busy on a interesting werewolf story that's not very typical which I'll be publishing around the 1st of April...... After Chapter 20 I'm going to edit all the unedited chapters and take a break from writing Mallory's Revenge and focus on my new book Queen Luna Mulani.

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