Chapter 9 : The Honeymoon

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After all the whole wedding drama and moving into a new house me and Xavier decided that we needed a honeymoon but waited until the triplets were at least four months old so for the past two months we were focused on all of the Mafias. I had to focus on the Italian and Greek Mafia while Xavier had to focus on the Spanish and American mafia. Now we were on our way to Hawaii since it was my favorite vacation place.

Looking at the blue clouds had me thinking of Dior, she had made a lot of process and got off the breathing tube but she needed to go to the doctor every 3 weeks until she turns one to monitor her lungs. She has officially been diagnosed with Asthma and Chronic Bronchitis, she's also less active and talkative like the other babies so we are worried about her future social skills. Now Banks got sent to high school because apparently he is so smart for kindergarten and primary school, at the age of seven almost eight my little man is in year 10 though it's gonna help him since he wants to get a political science degree and business degree before being the Don of the American Mafia.

So we decided that he needed to be home schooled since he has gotten into a lot of fights with other kids and I'm tired of being called to the principals office. Landing in Hawaii was was breath taking seeing the view of our Private Villa was amazing.

"Xavier, we landed" I screamed in his eyes.

"Mallory what's wrong with you" he mumbled while covering his ears yet he refused to open his eyes.

I wasn't going to wait for him so I left the plane while holding my duffel bag and headed towards the Villa since it was a nice 25 minute walk which I didn't mind. Finally reaching the villa I immediately went to the bedroom, sleep was the first thing on my mind so I stripped out my clothes which left me in my black lingerie which was comfy asf so I'll wear it while sleeping.

The moment I was going to sleep to sleep Xavier came into the room and wrapped his arms around me.

"Let's make baby number 5" he said while kissing my neck.

"Less go baby" I said while taking off his shirt.

Soon things got a little hot. During our 5th round a phone call disturbed us.

"Don't answer it" Xavier moaned.

I ignored him and picked up it...

The color left my face....

"What happened" Xavier said while holding me.

"We needed to go back to LA now, they attacked our old house where we left the kids with the nannies.

We immediately got dressed and packed everything, called the pilot and left the villa in a rush. I was on the phone while climbing the jet.

" What do you mean you don't know where my children are" I screamed.

"Mallory calm down. It's only been 2 hours since the shooting. We'll eventually find the triplets and Banks" Melissa told me in a soothing tone.

"I don't give a fuck how long it's been. Find my children before I get back there or I'll do it and kill everyone who failed at finding them." I screamed back.

"Mallory calm down" Xavier yelled at me.

"Don't tell me to calm down. When all of my children are missing and could possibly be dead" I yelled while throwing my phone at him which he catched.

It felt like the air got knocked out my lungs, the world started getting dark.

"Xavier........" was the last thing I remember saying and hearing. The world became dark in a instant.......

Beep.... Beep.... Beep.... Beep.

"Someone turn off that shit" I yelled while turning.

"Mommy said a bad word" Banks laughed.

I immediately woke and to see that I was in the clinic we had in the new mansion. Banks was on the bed with me sitting on my legs and the triplets were in a playpen sitting against pillows.

I noticed Xavier, my parents and Melissa were here.

"How long was I knocked out this time" I said while playing with Banks hair.

"2 weeks. You had a asthma attack and you had a allergic reaction to the crabs we ate during our breaks for practicing baby number 5. When you passed out I noticed that your neck and face seemed swollen so we rushed to you to the hospital while Melissa and Mateo found out that the children were hiding in the secret safe room behind your closet. The guards killed the attackers and only 2 two nannies got shot while trying to distract the attackers while the other nanny hid the children "Xavier explained.

" So who attacked us, can someone bring Dior to me "I said.

Melissa picked up Dior and brought her to me.

" The Russian Mafia and Royalty. "Xavier sneered.

The Russia mafia was owned by the Royals of Russia. The King and Queen were the Don and Donna of the Russian Mafia, it was a great cover up. No one expects royalty to be involved in crime, so they made billions off the mafia but they were the third most dangerous mafia while American and Italian were tied at first and Greek was second while Spanish is fourth.

"How old is their son again" I said remember that they had a son who was rare. He had skin and hair white as snow and eyes blue as ice. His birth shook the Mafia world since he was the first ever male heir in the Russian Mafia since the family seemed like they were cursed with girls for almost 20 generations until Vitali Vasyl Viglianco was born.

"He's 4 years old" Xavier said.

"Why did they even attack" I asked.

"They heard about the triplets especially about Dior. Rumor is they want Dior to be Vitali's bride" he said.

I held Dior closer to me looking at my stromy eyed baby who had the biggest curls I've ever seen on a baby.

"Over my dead body. From now on Dior stays in the mansion until she's goes to study overseas with a army of body guards. When all of the triplets turn 8 they will start training and Dior will start training, dancing and being a gymnast because being flexible helps especially in the Mafia as a woman "I said.

We all agree. No Russian bitches will take my innocent baby from me.

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