Chapter 17 : Breaking Down

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Peace, for the first time in almost four years I have peace. My life was perfect with my almost nine year old son, my almost two year old triplets and my now three month old twins. It was almost time for the the triplets second birthday, which meant I had to plan a huge party for three little devils. Now all of us unfortunately were heading towards the headquarters in Milan because someone messed up a delicate mission concerning The Russians, I could leave the kids alone and luckily I had a huge playroom and bedroom for Banks which I made bigger because of my six children.

Walking into the headquarters with a stroller in my hands and Banks busy screaming at the triplets was a funny site to see but everyone started trembling the moment I stepped inside the building.

"Che cazzo stai fissando. Torna al lavoro e qualcuno vai a prendere le mie borse dalla macchina." I yelled heading towards the kids room.

(What the fuck are you staring. Get back to work and someone go get my bags from the car.)

The moment I yelled everyone started running and jumping except for one person. She seemed new because I had never seen her before, she was unbothered by my command. She was the definition of stud beauty, she didn't even notice me staring at her until Banks started fighting with Dario which caused her to snap out of her mesmerized state. She headed towards me with the most confidence I've ever seen coming from a female.

"Ciao bellezza" she said to me with the most perfect voice on earth. It was deep but smooth at the same time.

(Hi beautiful).

"Pensi che quella tipica linea di raccolta lavorerà con me" I said while smirking at her.

(Do you think that typical pick up line is going to work with me).

"That hurt, I'm Rosalia Ramones. Who are you" she said while looking into my eyes.

For a moment I was lost in her green-brown eyes that reminded me of a forest that I would love to get lost in.

"I'm Mallory Night" I said snapping out of my trance.

"Unlucky, ill fated, unhappy. Your name doesn't suit you, Il mio amore" she said while playing with my black locks.

(My love).

Before I could even respond, the triplets immediately ran towards her. All three little demons were absolutely fascinated by this woman. They immediately started tugging her black jeans.

"Αφήστε το τριαντάφυλλο τώρα πριν κάνω σας γαϊδούρει" I yelled.

(Leave Rose now before I whoop your asses).

"Είναι ωραία. Εσείς είστε τόσο χαριτωμένοι." she said to them.

(It's fine. You guys are so cute.)

"You speak Greek!?" I asked while being utterly shocked.

"I'm actually a quarter Greek, a quarter Italian, a quarter Spanish and a quarter French." She said while picking up Dior who was busy stretchy her little chubby arms towards Rosalia.

Before I could even say another word my PA interrupted me.

"Miss, it's urgent. The American attacked our ships that were heading towards Spain" the moment those words left her mouth my eyes turned darker.

Rushing towards the kid's room was difficult because the triplets refused leave Rosalia who seemed to not mind. I quickly placed the twins in their bassinets who seemed to be sound asleep, I took the triplets away from Rose and placed them in a play pen while Banks went to immediately study for his tests.

I shut the doors and locked them in because it was the only safe place for the kids at this point.

"Don't tell me, their coming to the headquarters" I said going towards my office.

"They are"....... At the moment I was sick and tired of this petty thing between me and my stupid ex-husband.

Changing out of my black suit into a catsuit, getting all my weapons ready. Honestly how many times do I have to kill people because of this stud idiot.

"Cinque di voi vanno verso la stanza del bambino e proteggerlo. Uccidi chiunque osa venire per i miei figli" I said while getting out a GPMG machine gun.

(Five of you go towards the kid's room and guard it. Kill anyone who dares coming for my children).

Suddenly Rosalia coming towards me wearing a similar outfit to mine but instead she has two Desert Eagle pistols in her hands.

"See, we were meant to be" she said pointing towards our clothes.

Instead of giving her a response , I went towards her and give her a little peck on lips. When I tried leaving, she grabbed me by the waist and immediately locked lips with mine. It seemed like the world stopped and it was just me and her.

We were interrupted by gun shots nearing my office.

"You fucking slut" Xavier yelled as he come in the office.

I quickly picked my gun which I had dropped when Rosalia grabbed me.

"Coming from you that's a joke" I said while aiming at him.

"Where's Anastasia" he asked aiming at me.

"You will never find her so leave now" I said placing my fingers on the trigger.

"Just give me my fucking wife" he yelled.

"Your wife. I was your wife, I was your everything but you threw it away for that bitch. I'm the mother of your 6 kids, I had your first son. She couldn't even give you a son. I did everything for you, I loved you, I cherished you and I gave life to your children yet you chose to betray me for a useless Spanish whore. I even fucked that slut behind your back more than once yet you still chose her over me. "I yelled while tears fell down my face.

" You humiliated me at the age of 14, I had to take care of a child at 14. I was a child taking care of a child. Now I have to take care of six children by myself. You broke me more than once as a person, you turned me into the monster I am. I don't even recognize myself as a person anymore, it's your fault but yet I'm always the bad guy. I got slut shamed while being pregnant which was the worst experience on earth yet people always expected me to forgive you. I never blamed you for anything not even once but yet you blame me for everything "I yelled while going towards him.

" I'm scared of falling in love because of you. I'm so traumatized by you yet everyone expects me to be this strong person. I'm broken because of you, you destroyed me as a person mentally yet you're still worried about that drug addicted whore. Just fucking leave" I said while choking him until Rosalia pulled me away from him.

"Va tutto bene, calmati. Non è più importante. Calmati amore mio" Rose said while rubbing my hair.

(It's okay, calm down. He isn't important anymore. Just calm down my love).

Eventually a few of the guards came and took Xavier out of the room. Finally admitting out loud how I felt made everything more worse. Despite how badly I wanted to kill him I couldn't he was still the father of my children........

Thanks for 500 reads. I know a few of the Chapters have mistakes but I told yall about the editing. In a way Mallory was expressing how I feel in real life......

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