Chapter 16 : Void

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It's been 2 days since I won the cases against Xavier now I was on my way to see Anastasia at the whore house. This bitch was going to feel pain, I wasn't going to psychically torture her because it would be to easy but I was going to torture her mentally. Leaving scars on her would be to easy but giving her trauma would be satisfactory.

Walking into a room that had a tank which was filled with piranhas, there was a chair and a table that had multiple syringes on it.

"Smetti di sprecare il mio tempo e porta a me questa cagna. Non dimenticare di portare la sua preziosa Isabella e abbiamo anche bisogno di configurare l'apparecchiatura video." I said getting annoyed.

(Stop wasting my time and bring this bitch to me. Don't forget to bring her precious Isabella and we also need to set up the video equipment.)

It took them a whole 2 hours to set up everything which just made me more excited to teach this bitch a lesson.

"Hi bicth, are you ready to experience mental pain" I said while picking up her 1 year old and something months daughter.

"Leave my daughter out of this Mallory" she said while crying.

"Why should I? Too bad your tied up in that chair" I said while laughing at her.

She just started crying, it was honestly pathetic. A few days ago she was acting superior to me yet today here she is crying because of me. Some people really should stop underestimating my capabilities of being heartless and evil. It's so funny, she thought that she had won and taken everything from me yet here I am now getting ready to ruin her life forever.

"You should have never underestimated me. I'm known as the Bel diavolo for a good ass reason, children fear me. I'm a bed time story for Italian kids, children get nightmares because of me. Who are you to think that you could be superior to me. You pathetic little bicth "I yelled at her.

(Beautiful Devil)

" People fear me. Most would assume I'm a man the way people fear me yet you think you could take everything from me including my children. Who do think you are, honestly I've never met such a stupid person like you. You should never mess with a devil" I said while looking her into her eye.

"Dile adiós a tu hija. Ella se reunirá con su destino hoy por ti. Es tu culpa que ella vaya a conocer a Dios a una edad temprana. Vivirás con el hecho de saber que la maté por ti. Nunca se atreve a la falta de respeto o nunca me ha menospreciado de nuevo, un pedazo de mierda sin valor." I said while playing with Isabella's golden locks.

(Say goodbye to your daughter. She will meet her fate today because of you. It's your fault that she's going to meet God at a young age. You will live with the fact knowing that I killed her because of you. Never dare disrespect or ever undermine me again you worthless piece of shit.)

"Please don't do this Mallory, I beg of you" she yelled at me.

I ignored her and went towards the table that had the syringes. I picked up one of the syringes and faced the cameras.

"Gira questa merda" I yelled.

(Turn this shit on)

Suddenly Xavier's faced popped on the screen in front of me.

"I just wanted to give you the pleasure of witnessing your daughter's death." I said while watching his face morph from egoistic to absolute fear.

"Mallory, she's an innocent child. Don't involve her in our mess" he pleaded with me.

"Why did you want to sell my Dior over this worthless bitch." I spat out.

I didn't even want hear his response, I immediately stab Isabella with the syringe in her leg. She immediately loopy started getting until she passed out. I went towards the tank knowing she would be passed out and won't even be awake to feel the pain or see her many murders kill her.

"Any last words" I said sweetly.

I dropped Isabella in the tank of piranhas which didn't waste time tearing her apart.

I immediately turned off the camera and the screen once I saw Xavier crying over the death of his daughter which was funny. Seeing one of the most feared Mafia Dons crying because of his dead child who was killed by his ex wife.

"I will kill you. You selfish......." Anastasia started yelling.

She was calling me so many names while crying. This bitch didn't know when to stop which was hilarious. I went towards the table again but this time grabbed three syringes that had morphine, heroine and a new drug named death mixed in one. I didn't waste time and started each syringe in her chest.

"How does it feel" I laughed.

"It's burning, it's burning" she yelled.

"Tenerla sulle droghe ogni ora per circa 4 mesi, quindi scarica il suo corpo a Londra." I yelled while leaving the room.

(Keep her on the drugs every a hour for about 4 months then dump her body in London.)

No one messes with me without feeling absolute pain or misery. This bicth would be in constant pain for months, she will eventually forget what's the difference between reality and imagination. Her demons will consume her mind and destroy it, she regret the day she decided to destroy my joy.......

We're almost at 500 reads which was my March goal . What's gonna happen next any thoughts......

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