Chapter 21: Love Is Awful

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It's been a whole month since I got engaged to Rose. Planning a whole wedding under a month wasn't easy but I made it happen. The babies are officially 5 months old and they are crawling everywhere, Victoria has given birth to three beautiful daughters named Violet Lakresha Maitre, Vincenza Ladonna Maitre, Vera Lavinia Maitre. They were beautiful blue eyed, black haired and pale skinned babies. They reminded me of snow white especially because of their dark pink pouty lips.

They only thing they inherited from Victoria is their black hair everything else is from Luciano which Victoria thought was annoying. I let Anastasia go, she had two days to go to London before I killed her. My mom got pregnant which was shocking considering her being 38 but everyone was happy when they found out. She's pregnant with twins but we can't find out the gender since she's 3 weeks pregnant.

Now I was currently in my bedroom getting ready with my best friends and mother for my wedding, I was honestly nervous about getting married for the second time. I was literally a few minutes away from a breakdown, I started pacing up and down while wearing a custom Vera Wang wedding dress which was honestly so beautiful.

The time I didn't want a outside wedding so I decided to have the wedding in the ballroom which was going to be spacious enough for everyone and a little more regal. I wasn't going to wear my crown but instead I was going to let my natural hair down.

"Malloy, calm down" Melissa said while fixing her black bridesmaids dress.

I just simply ignored her and prepared myself for the wedding.

"It's almost time" Marcus yelled coming into the room.

Oh shit!I'm really getting married to this person. With final look in mirror I left the room, following my annoying bridesmaids. Quietly rushing out the elegant white and black hallway towards the ballroom made everything surreal.

"Everyone is waiting on you, honey" Marcus said will we both watched the groomsmen and bridesmaids walk into the ballroom while Love by SZA and Travis Scott was playing.

The moment me and Marcus entered the ballroom, Love On The Brain by Rihanna started playing. Walking down the beautiful black carpet towards the chapel we had created felt so amazing.

Arriving in front of Rose give me a case of cold feet but I wasn't going to let it stop me from marrying the person who showed me what true, pure and unconditional love is. She has been with me through everything from the days I left like I didn't deserve to be alive or to even be loved. She took care of me while I didn't have energy to care for my own children, she treats my children like her own. She loved me when I didn't want to be loved, she even made me feel hope for the first time in almost 9 years.

She helped me fix my broken heart which was amazing. She truly is so fucking amazing.

(I'm not writing the vows because I'm not good with marriage and vows so this after the vows, their about to say I do )

"Do you Mallory Lyn Night take Rosalia Ramones as your lawfully wedded husband." the priest said.

Before I could even answer the doors suddenly burst open.

"Stop, this woman has been lying to our Donna" one of my top spies said.

"What the fuck is going on" I said getting annoyed.

"This woman is actually the half sister to Anastasia" the moment the words left Lucy's mouth. My world shattered.

Wait a minute, Rose was responsible for looking after the children.

"Where are my children" I said trying to attack her but Luciano was stopping me.

"It's too late, Anastasia already took Dior and left while everyone was getting dressed. Their gone, you lost your first daughter" she said while smirking.

I didn't even waste time, I took a pistol which I was hiding in my pantyhose, I immediately shot her in the head.

"Stop standing around. Find my fucking daughter" I screamed heading towards my room.

I quickly rushed towards the elevator I had installed and pressed the button for the third floor the moment I got inside.

Everything felt so heavy, the world was getting darker but I was fighting with it. I quickly headed out the elevator but the moment my feet stepped outside the elevator. The world became dark, I couldn't move or feel any thing.

I was just lost in a world of darkness which seemed peaceful for now........

The sound of beeping was the most annoying thing on earth. I didn't even waste time opening my eyes and ripping off the machines and wires on me. I jumped out of the bed without a care, the moment I headed out of the door I was dragged by two nurses which were followed by my family and friends.

"She's gone. We've been searching for three months. There's no sign of her anywhere, it's like she disappeared off the earth with Dior. There's no point in trying to find her. We tired everything and method, nothing is working. It's just safe to assume that our princess is no more "Luciano said in a cold voice.

Tears poured out of my eyes. I lost everything because of love. Love isn't beautiful, it's just a horrible feeling that causes problems. It doesn't heal people inside it destroys them. Love ruins everything, it cost my child. What's the point in trying to love when it only gives you problems.....

That's basically the end. I'll just post a short-ish epilouge or whatever it's called. Thanks for 1000 reads

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