Chapter 14 : Italy

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Being back in Italy was amazing, this place was my home for almost 7 years until I left almost 3 years ago which was a bad mistake but I'm coming home with 5 new children. Rome was a beautiful place but this time I decided that I wanted to live in Milan with my new children and I would be closer to the Mafia headquarters and my other Italian companies.

"We have officially landed in Milan please make sure your seat belt is secure during our landing" the pilot said using the intercom.

As soon as we landed, we went towards multiple black SUV's. Victoria, Luciano, Banks and triplets went into a car with each while me, Melissa and all the babies went in the other. It took us about 1 hour to reach my new mansion that I had started building a year ago in secret. I had a feeling that building a house in Milan would be a bad idea even at the time I thought I was wasting millions of euros for nothing.

Arriving at a massive black gate that was later opened by guards was so typical until we went into the driveway and it was surrounded by white and red roses which was odd cause all of my driveways have black roses. Immediately when we reached the main door, I got out and headed towards the house. Opening the solid matte doors and seeing the new black and gold staircase was amazing for the first time.

I waited for everyone to come and for my new staff to be lined up.

"Melissa, you can stay here for about a week until I move you to another house that is hidden from the world. Luciano and Victoria you guys can go live in my penthouse in the city." I told them and they all nodded.

"Sette delle cameriere hanno bisogno di prendere i bambini addormentati al piano di sopra al secondo piano nelle loro camere da letto, in particolare le terzine e i bambini condivideranno una stanza per ora. Tutti i buttografici prendono il bagaglio e tutto ciò che abbiamo portato e prendendano nelle stanze giuste mentre le cameriere iniziano a disfare il paccheggio di tutto. Qualcuno dice agli chef di cucinare una cena per quattro adulti e quattro figli. Smettila di guardarmi e vai."I screamed

(Seven of the maids needs to take the sleeping children upstairs to the second floor in their own bedrooms especially the triplets and the babies are going to share a room for now. All of the butlers get the luggage and everything we brought and take it to the right rooms while the maids start unpacking everything. Someone tell the chefs to cook a dinner for four adults and four kids. Stop looking at me and go.)

All of the staff scurried away while shaking, did I really have that affect on people. I really couldn't care less either way. I started heading upstairs since it was around 2 or 3 pm in Milan and I needed to take a bath and get changed quickly. Heading up to the third floor, I didn't even waste time once I entered my bedroom. I immediately got naked and took a bath that was long over due, after almost 40 minutes of peace I could hear the triplets fighting.

I got out of the black and white marble bathtub and headed towards my vanity. I quickly did my skin care routine, tied my hair in a messy bun and quickly put on my underwear carefully to avoid me stitches. I quickly re-bandaged my stitches and quickly wore a D&G black jump suit with black LV red bottom sneakers.

I headed towards the second floor into Dario's bedroom to find the triplets fighting over Angel who looked scared.

"Smetti di combattere oltre Angel prima di mettere tutti voi tre in un time out. Ora vai al piano di sotto per Aunty Lissy e Vicky." I yelled at them.

(Stop fighting over Angel before I put all of you three in a time out. Now go downstairs to Aunty Lissy and Vicky.)

They all started pouting and headed downstairs while I went towards Bronx and Brooklyn's room which was a mix of grey, black and gold. Their official names were Bronx Miliano Night-Monette and Brooklyn Mulani Night-Monette which was cute. They have the same initials has Banks, I found Melissa in the room crying.

"What's wrong" I asked while picking up a hungry Bronx.

"I thought he loved me but he just used me to get to you" she said while crying.

"Don't cry over my stupid brother. As long as you and twins are safe that's the only thing you should be worried about" I told her while feeding Bronx.

She calmed down and left the room and headed downstairs while I quickly fed Bronx and Brooklyn. Heading down stairs to find everyone waiting for me while the kids were playing outside near the basketball ball court.

This house officially had 20 bedrooms which were en suite, 2 offices, 2 ballrooms, three kitchens, indoor and outdoor pool, basketball court, game room, toy room, a clinic, a racing track, 2 living rooms, a den, a bowling alley /arcade, ballet studio, music room, library, gym, a torture room in the basement, a gymnast studio, a soccer field and a huge garage. There was also servant houses 20 miles away from the main house, so I basically had everything I needed.

"Thank God someone washed all the children" I said looking at the kids especially Banks who looked squeaky clean for now.

I quickly went into the living room and turned on the TV only to see that Xavier is blaming me for my parents muder and that him and Mateo are filing for sole custody. I didn't even waste time and called my lawyer that stupid bastard isn't going to do that to me.

"I want immediately file for divorce and yes I have a prenuptial agreement stating that he cheats on me. I get at least 50% of his assets and he gets nothing, I also want to file for sole custody of all five children and I need a restraining order against him for child endangerment" I screamed to my lawyer.

I didn't even want to hear a response and dropped the call.......

I'll edit chapter 13 and 14 when I have time because I know there's a lot of mistakes I didn't notice while writing but I wanted to upload before I went to school since I'm writing two tests back to back so I don't know if I'm going to update this week again.....we're almost at 450......

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