Chapter 5- The mistake

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Ashley POV

Woah wait a minute. What the fuck just happened. Im so confused.

"Oh my bad.. I just got carried away. It'll never happen again. Thanks for helping me open up" Kayla said sadly and she darted out of the bathroom

"Wait I-" she left before i could say anything. I just wanted to tell her it was ok. If im being honest I kinda liked it.

Kayla Pov

OMG! what did i just do. I mean i feel bad cause she messin with trey and he's like my brother. But her lips were so soft.

I was literally two steps away from the cafeteria when the bell rang. I was going to try and avoid the crew but i had to get my backpack and stuff. I turn the corner and see Bri holding my backpack.

"Damn where you been? You left and didn't come back. Here's yo stuff" she said as she handed me my bag and papers

"Oh my bad I had to help this freshman find his way to class and turns out he had someone else's schedule" I said knowing I was lying but hoping she didnt notice

She nods me off and we walk to class. Once we got up the stairs to the 3rd floor we went our separate ways. She went left to reading and i went right so i could go to math. After this class, im done for the day because im a senior i took all of my required classes and got all my required credits so i only have 4 classes this year. I have Math, Art, Reading, and gym. I was focusing so much on my main credits I forgot to finish my gym credits so i have gym.

I walk into the class and of course the one person i wanted to avoid (minus Amirr) was sitting in my classroom on the back row and of course there were only 2 seats open. One next to her and the other was by Darnell and he always tryna fuck so im good. I put my head down and walk to back of the classroom and sit by Ashley.

Through the whole class I could tell Ashley was looking at me. At one point she tried to get my attention but i just ignored her. Im way too embarrassed to look her in her beautiful eyes.

Ashley POV

I sat down in class and i chilled on my phone. If im being honest I was slightly stalking Kayla's Instagram. She's really pretty and she dont even be half naked.

I saw as she walked into class. I look at her as she searched for i seat the only seats that were open were by me and Darnell and ik she dont like him. And of course she came and sat by me.

All through class she wouldn't look at me. I tried to get her attention and everything she still wouldn't look at me. Maybe she's embarrassed but I just want to let her know its ok and im definitely not mad. The bell finally rang and i grabbed all my stuff which was just my schedule and the Syllabus the teacher gave us. I saw that Kayla was tryna basically run out of the room to avoid me. So i yelled her name she looked back and kept walking. Welp there goes my chance maybe I'll tell her some other time there's no way we will be forgetting about that any time soon.

I walk out into the hall i see the crew hanging around a locker. I walk up to them...

"Ok so whats the plan for the rest of the day?"

"Well im done for today.. So im down for whatever" says kayla

"Yea im done too i mean i have one more class but im not gonna go" said Antonio

"Shit i got another class, its all the way back on main floor so i hit yall up later" And with that trey hugs me and walks off

"Well Darnell said his homeboy is having a party tonight we can all go to that ik im going"

"Im not against that, how about us girls all get ready at my house so we can get to know each other and stuff"

Both of the girls agreed i could tell Kayla was shaky on the idea but Bri was ok with it so Kayla went with it. Bri said she'll be at my house around 5pm. And imma take Kayla home with me. Hopefully I can tell her how i feel and stuff.

We all left the building. Bri and Toni went to their cars they are going out or sum like dat. Me and Kayla walk to our cars.

" hey you can just follow me.. I drive fast so......try to keep up" I said with a wink

She laughs and hops in the car. I get in my car and off to my house we go.

What will happen at the house?
Make sure to tell yo friends about this book.

-------What will happen at the house?Make sure to tell yo friends about this book

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^Im sorry but this man is FINEEE😍^

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^Im sorry but this man is FINEEE😍^


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