Chapter 14- Dead Man Rolling

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" They see me rolling, they hating"
Just remember that...its all gonna make sense

Kayla POV

Im still sitting in the waiting room with Ashley. Its about 7:30pm. Im still tryna figure out how imma get my brother and Ant out. Hopefully we get sum news about Ashley momma soon. They ran some dude in here like a hour ago he was asian looking but he looked fucked up.

Ashley hasn't been able to calm down, i mean i dont blame her this is very stressful. All of a sudden a doctor walks out from the back...

" Hi im looking for the family of Kimberly Garcia..." The doctor said looking around

Ashley lifted her head up and walked up to the doctor with a worried look on her face.

"Fortunately we were able to do all the necessary things to help and save her. She is alive but she isn't 100% either. She's still sleeping off the medication but you can go into the room."

He guided us to her mom's room. We walked in and her mom had tubes still plugged in her. Im not gon lie this brought back hella memories from when my momma was in the hospital but i stayed strong for Ashley. Hopefully her momma doesn't have the same ending mines did.

We chilled in the room in silence. Every once and a while i would look over abs see tears fall down Ashley's face. I really don't wanna leave her but i gotta get my brother and ant out.

"Umm..hey..I-I umm...I gotta go. I really dont wanna leave you right now but i gotta handle something real quick. Ill be back i promise but i gotta go do sum before midnight"

"Ok" she said simply in a monotone but i could still tell she was a lil hurt

I hugged her she kinda hugged me back. I took a deep breath and left the room. I hopped on the elevator and their was sum dude on there he looked about 24 years old or so.

"Hey shorty"

"Hello" I said praying to the man upstairs that this elevator would hurry the fuck up

"You mad cute"


" Let me take you out. Shid i could fuck you right here"

"Umm no thank you im good"

" Come on lil mama just one date and one blow job"

"Nigga no! You mad trippin"

"Bruh come on" I swear this elevator couldn't have went any slower

" Bruh no number 1 your ugly asf. Number 2 im definitely 17 which is a case. And number 3 NO!" I said with an attitude

The elevator door opened for the main floor and right as i was finna get off this dude had the nerves to say...

"Damn yo ass is fat" As he slaps my ass

I turn around to smack him but the elevator doors started closing. I huffed and walked to the car. Dudes can be so fucking disgusting.

I start driving home and of course every possible stoplight was flippin red. Once i FINALLY got home i went to Aaron's room. Shit where did he say? Oh the lunchbox. I went to his dresser and the lunch box wasn't there. I start looking everywhere.


A WHOLE hour later of tearing up my brothers room looking for this damn lunchbox. Something told me to look under the bed. And sure enough it was under the bed behind some shoe boxes. I grab the the lunchbox and grab 2 stacks of cash out of it just in case. I put the money in my purse and i head out the house.

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