chapter 26- Stay with Me

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A/n- This song makes me cry Everytime i hear it... It hits a lil different at night

Ashley POV

It's currently 9pm and Im at Niyah's house. We're simply chillin, smoking, drinkin.

" Hey baby you should try this shit... Promise all the shit you've been thru will go away" Niyah said pulling out a lil bag of pills

" What exactly is this?" I ask while holding three pills in my hand

" Baby dont worry bout that.. Yk i would never try to hurt you.. Its sum light i promise"

She hands me the bottle of Hennessy, I take a sip, take a deep breath and pop all three pills in my mouth.

About 5mins later i was higher than a kite.

" Damn baby you lookin good enough to eat"

" U think i look good in this... Wait till u see what else i got... Give me a sec" I say walkin into the bathroom

I walk in the bathroom and all of a sudden everything starts spinning, everything gets blurry, I start feeling like im finna throw up. Next thing ik everything went black.

Niyah POV

I was sitting on the bed waiting for Ashley to come outta the bathroom. All of a sudden i hear a loud thud.




I huff and go to the bathroom door and open it.....

Kayla POV

Im chillin in my room, watching tv and doing homework. Im writing my story for English, when my brother busts into my room.

" AYO!"

" Damn bruh u cant knock?"

" Nah i cant... But one of my homies said he saw yo shawty get rushed into the hospital.. I asked if she was lightskin or darkskin... He said Lightskin"

" OMG! ASHLEY!" I grab my purse, keys, throw on sum shoes and speed outta the door. I get in the car then i realized i didnt ask which hospital. So i had to back in the house

"Ayo! Do you know which hospital? If not i will just drive to every hospital"

"Ummm i think that new one up North... St. Mary's North"

"Ok thanks" I say rushing outta the house again

Im speeding to get there. With my music loud and tears in my eyes. God let her be ok, idk what's going on but let her be ok. I just kept repeating that in my head.

I pull up to the hospital, parked, and basically ran my ass inside. I walk straight to the lady at the front desk

" Yes, hi how may i-"

" I believe my friend was sent here.. Her name is Ashley Garcia? Someone said they believe they saw her get rushed in here... If its not here than i can just go" I said cutting the lady off and talking super fast

" No need... She is here, she was rushed in here about 30mins ago. They believe it was an overdose, Um that young lady over there brought her in" The Lady pointed her finger at the waiting area

I followed the ladys finger which pointed right at Niyah... IMMA KILL HER!!!

I speed walk over to her and smack the shit outta her...

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