Chapter 2- Get out

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Kayla POV

"Wake yo dumbass up!" Yelled my brother

"Ight ight im up damn"

I love my brother, he's one of the people i can trust. But he gets on my nerves. My parents..well umm.. I'll talk about that later

He rolls his eyes and walk right outta my room

I got up outta my bed and went to the bathroom to do my daily routine. After i get done with all of that i throw my hair up into a messy bun. I put on a nike hoodie with some ripped jeans and a pair of air force 1's. I dont even care about tryna look fancy and shit on the first day i just wanna graduate and leave this mf.

After i get ready, I grab my keys and head for the door. Just as I open the door i see my ex.

A/n- ik crazy ex so basic *rolls eyes*

"What are you doin here?"

"Whatcumean? I came to talk to you"

"Well i dont wanna talk to you so you can leave"

Right as I was finna walk out the door my brother comes walkin down the stairs. He walks over to the door. I cant tell if he's mad or not.

"Wassup Amirr, whatcu been up to?"

"Nun much just tryna take yo sister out to breakfast" he says with a fake cheesy smile

"Aw ok y'all have fun or whatever. Make sure y'all still get to school at least by the end of yo first class. Also imma be working late so i won't be here when you get home" and with that he left.

"Amirr im NOT going nowhere with you, I told you we done and i dont wanna talk to you anymore"

"Girl you damn well you still want me and we goin to fuckin breakfast"

I stood still just lookin at him like the dumbass he is. I kept trying to walk out the door but he kept blockin me.

"Bro just let me go to school i gotta pick up brianna..and for the last Fuckin time WE.ARE.FUCKING.OVER."

And with that he slapped the shit outta me. I swear im so over this bullshit with him. I aint do shit to this man but he still wanna play me like the bad guy even though HE'S the one that cheated and got sum random bitch pregnant.


I wasn't finna test him anymore. So i called Bri to tell her i couldn't pick her up i lied and said trey needed a ride. I know trey always shows up to school late so hopefully I get there close to when he do. I think she had an attitude. I really do feel bad for lying to her and leaving her high and dry but i cant tell her wants goin on. I just dont wanna make my problem hers and have her all scared and stressed.

I hopped in my car. I was kinda hoping he would wanna take separate cars because then i would just drive to school. Amirr is lowkey a punk he only put his hands on me when we alone or around other females cause he knows he stronger. But this nigga won't do it front of dude that has morals enough to know its wrong cause he knows he would get his ass beat. He be tryna play like he aint scared but ik he is.

A/n- punk ass 🙄

We pull up to this little restaurant. We got outta the car and walked inside. I had never been to this place before it gave me weird sketchy vibes. We walked in and the waiter took us to a table by the window.

"Hi, im Andrew your waiter. What can I get y'all to drink?"

"I'll take sum apple juice"

"And for you ma'am?"

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