Chapter 16- Funny business

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Kayla POV

As Im driving to Ashley house i listen to my playlist, just hyping myself up cause why tf not.

I pull up to Ashley house and rang the doorbell. Surprisingly her mom answered the door. We talked a lil i just wanted to check up on her. After like 15mins of talking i went upstairs to Ashley room. I was debating between knocking on the door and busting it down like sum law & order shit.

I knocked on the door and she opened it.

"Heyyy its time to party!! Just playing ikik work only"

"Glad you understand. Thanks for helping me with this work"

I took my backpack off my back and threw it on her bed. I grabbed my bag from the store and put it on her night stand.

" Sooo, what you working on??" I asked while opening a pack of skittles

"English. This lady is out here taking us back to middle school. She wants us to write a rite of passage."

" Ok, that isn't too hard. You can write about something that has effected yo life. How long? Two paragraphs??"

" Naw she want a whole page. What am i supposed to write about?"

" Ok so first start off with deciding whether you want it to be a happy story with giggles and laughs or a heartfelt story with a strong lesson"

We ended up working for about 45mins on her English assignment. After that we went to math, I honestly just handed her my notebook with all my notes.

As she was writing some of the notes down her mom called for her. I took this moment while she was downstairs to text that girl dymond just to make sure this was her number and not no randos.

Hey its Kayla the girl from the store. Im just checking to see if you really gave me yo number.

Oh yea, its me Dymond. I wouldn't give you a fake number thats sum fucked up stuff

Haha yea i was just checking cause people are fucked up nowadays

Yea they are. Anyways wyd?

Helping my friend catch up on her school work. She was going thru sum stuff so now she gotta catch up...and me being the AMAZING person that i am, i decided to help her😁

Aww your so sweet. What grade you in??

Imma Senior...PERIODT

Lmao i remember my senior year. I say that like i didnt just graduate last year LOL😂

Im weak weak😭 what school did you go to?

Ratchet ass Washington🙄

LOL yea they aren't the best

So when can i pay you back? Or better question: How can i pay you back😏jkjk😂

Girllll you funny. But i dont really care. Honestly you dont have to pay me back...It was worth like 7 dollars

Ughhh why you gotta be so difficult😫 Ok fine how about you meet me out later when you done helping yo friend

Umm...Ok ill see what i can do. I'll text you when im finna leave here

Ight koo...TTYL luv✌🏾

Duces Lucious ✌🏼✨

A/n - bruh i say that ALL the time. And i don't even watch empire

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