Chapter 7- The Party

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This my mf song
Slap certified 🖐🏽🔥

Ashley POV

I go downstairs and open the door. I saw Toni in his car and trey in his while brianna stood in front of me.

"Oh hey..we're ready..she's upstairs. Go up the stairs first door on the right. They coming in too?" I said pointing at the cars.

"Yea, but they gon smoke sum first"

I shook my head and closed the door but made sure it was unlocked so they could still come in. I walked up the stairs guiding Brianna to my room.

Brianna POV

Damn this bitch living lavish. I mean my house ain't no trap house but it sho as hell aint this.

"Wassup pooh" I said as i photo bombed Kayla's pic

"Heyyyy...oop- periodt i see you. Who's man you tryna take tonight" Kayla said hyping me up.

" umm no ma'am you tryna get me in trouble I ain't tryna take nobody's man cause i got my own. I meannnn they look just dont touch tho"

"Anyways, What yall been up to?"

The room got silent for a lil. I look at them and both Kayla and Ashley are avoiding eye contact.

"HELLO!! can yall not hear i said what yall been up to?"

" Nun we just watched movies and ate snacks. Then we got ready for the party" Ashley said

They seem like they hiding sum. I ain't trippin i don't think its anything important. I just wanted to be apart of the inside joke.

"Awe forreal? What yall eat and watch?"

" We watched sum madea and superhero movies and then we had sum chips and juice. There's some on the bed if you want sum" Kayla said pointing at the bag of hot chips on the bed.

" Anywayss... Where did you and Toni go? And what made you so busy you couldn't come hang out?" Ashley said with a smirk

" seeee...that ain't nun of yo business. We just went on a lil date at the mall and we went to get sum to eat"

" and that took all that time?? Cause i mean we've gon to the mall and ate but we still made it places"

" Damn yall sum nosey bitches huh? Like i said before it ain't nun of yall business"

" Woww that's how you gon do us?? Thats koo we know Ant put it down on you thats why you walkin funny" Kayla said laughing

After Kayla said that Ashley busted out laughing. Im pretty sure my face turned red and im brownskin/ darksin it takes a lot for me to turn red. I mean they aren't wrong but I'll never openly admit it.

We all chillin in Ashley room, taking pictures, drinking, listening to music, you know having a lil pre-party. While an ad came on we hear the front door open and hear Antonio yell...


We all start laughing and head downstairs. Ashley goes around the house making sure everything was secure and the lights were off before we left. Me and Kayla rode in Toni's car while Ashley and Trey rode in his car.

We pull up to the party and you could see the people partying. I don't know what it is about seeing people get lit but it hypes me up and makes me wanna join them.

Darnell sees us pulling up the street and he signals for us to come park in the driveway which he had blocked off im guessing just for us so we didn't have to find parking.

We get outta the cars and head inside. The music was so loud but it wasn't bust yo eardrums loud. Right as we walk in we hear "Twerk" by city girls so of course all the bad bitches start twerking. Me and Kayla were twerking right against the wall. Antonio hates when i twerk in the wall because it makes dudes "think im single" I honestly dont care. The real reason I twerk on the wall is because I dont want Kayla to feel left out cause if im twerkin on Antonio nobody is there to hype her up then she feels like a real third-wheel.

Kayla POV

Once we heard Twerk by city girls start we got turnt. Me and Bri started twerking on the wall hyping each other up and just playin around. I look over and see Ashley twerking on Trey. Damn her ass is fat. After i minute me and Bri stopped twerkin, fixed our clothes and went to go get drinks. Who knew twerking was a fuckin workout.

When we went back to where we were, we saw a small circle around trey and Ash. Of course us being nosey we went over to see what was the hype. When we got over there we saw Ashley going crazy on Trey, Im not even gon lie ashley can twerk her ass off. Damn I wish i was in trey's spot. Bruh wtf is wrong with me i needa get these thoughts outta my head. I just took another sip of my drink and started hyping her up too.

Once the song ended she stopped and everyone talked about her, then the party started to spread back out. After she finished killing it Brianna handed her drink cause we knew the bitch was tired.

We were drinking and having fun. I really appreciate Bri and Ashley for not making me feel like an awkward third wheel.

" hey, I'll be back im finna go to the bathroom"

They all nod letting me know they heard me. I get up and start walking to the bathroom. Right as im on my way to the bathroom guess who I see.... You guessed it... Amirr. I tried to just walk pass him but of course he saw me.

" Damn lil mama where you been? I ain't seen you all night. Im tryna get a lap dance you down?"

"Amirr get the fuck away from me and No nigga i wont even give yo ass a high five" I said trying to push passed him

He grabs my arm really tight and pulls me into the room in front of the bathroom. Here we go again plus he's drunk.....

Oh no!
This nigga always gotta ruin Kayla's fun
What's gonna happen?
Will Kayla make it out alive?

------------Oh no! This nigga always gotta ruin Kayla's funWhat's gonna happen?Will Kayla make it out alive?------------

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Please ignore any Mistakes I LITERALLY wrote this at 1am

Please ignore any Mistakes I LITERALLY wrote this at 1am

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