Chapter 20- Bounty

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WARNING ⚠ Emotional chapter ahead
May shed a tear

Aaron POV

I was using the bathroom when door bell rang. I told kayla to open it. I heard the door open and like 45 seconds later i hear a hard thud hit the floor. I hurry and rush out the bathroom. When i get to the door i see kayla passed out on the floor and her dad tryna grab her.

My first thought was that he was tryna take my sister and i be damned if i let that shit happen. I run over and punch the shit outta the nigga he fell backwards. I slam the door shut and pick up kayla and laid her on the couch. As i try to wake up kayla, her dad opens the door. Damn i GOTTA do better at locking that damn door. I stand up cause this dude isn't finna lay a finger on my sister. So i stand up and start walking towards him.

"Aye yo G, you gon have to get up outta here. You ain't gotta go home but you sho as hell cant stay here"

" Mane shut up, I came to see my daughter not her brother."

" Well she dont wanna see you now go before i do sum shit imma regret"

" Lil dude you ain't gon do shit"

" Bruh did i not just punch yo ass back down 5 steps or did i hit you so hard you forgot?"

" Aw lil dude got jokes...mane i just came here to talk to my daughter"

" Welp she's knocked out cause of yo ass so imma say you already talk to her"

" Bruh i didn't. She opened the door. Looked me up and down then passed out on tha floor. I didnt even say hi"

"Thats tuff, you got a bad relationship with yo daughter even tho its yo fault. But you got warrants on yo arrest and i can get 25k if i turn yo ass in"

" Wait where did you hear that from"

"Kayla saw you on the news"

All of sudden we hear movement from the living room. It was kayla waking up. I pulled my gun out and pointed at Kayden. I kept the gun pointed at him as i walked over to kayla.

" Hey sis, you good?"

" I had a crazy dream my dad came here"

"Ummmm" I said as i made a gesture for her to look up.

She looked over at her dad and this dude had the nerves to smile and wave at her. Did this nigga forget i have a loaded gun in my hand pointed at his forehead?

" Hey babygirl, I just came to apologize for all the shit i did. I never meant to hurt you or your momma i swear. I was just a crazy drunk crackhead who couldn't handle anger well."

" So what are you now? A basic Drunk criminal? Who killed my momma, beat me and tried to rape me? A man i used to call dad because i thought that you were showing me love. A man i now never wanna see again. A man who's funeral i wouldn't even drop a single tear at. My biological father but i dont even want people to know that. A crazy white man that i never wanna see again in my life! The biological father that i wish i had no connection to! The man who called me princess but i wouldn't even allow him around my fucking barbie doll. The man i hope rots in a jail cell and then burns in hell. A man who i had the most love for who i now hate the most." She screamed while crying

Not gon lie that shit had me tearing up a lil bit. I just hate how much pain he caused her, shit how much pain he caused me. I lost my mom cause of him. I would kill him here right now but its like i can feel my mom pulling my finger off the trigger. My mom always believed two wrongs dont make a right. And that karma issa bitch.

He looks at us with tears in his eyes the only words he could get out was 'Im sorry to both of you'. With that he put a picture of him, my sister, and my mom on the table with 500 dollars. He walked out with his head down and tears pouring outta his eyes. When he got outside he kissed his cross necklace and held it to the sky. Then he threw his hood back on and walked into the night.

I closed the door, LOCKED IT and headed back to the living room where kayla was laying down crying. I pulled her up and held her tight tryna hold back my tears.

" I miss her so much" she said in between sniffs

" yea me too" I said as i kissed her forehead


About and hour and a half later, we were sitting in the living room eating the food we ordered and watching tv. All of sudden the tv show cuts to the news for an emergency announcement.

" This is an Urgent announcement from the police department... just about 20mins ago Kayden Jones turned himself in. When asked why he turned himself in, he replied with and i quote ' I've done so much **** in my life i truly deserve to rot in a jail cell then burn in hell' This was Karen Wilson with you emergency announcement now back to your scheduled programming"

Me and Kayla's mouths dropped. Never inna million years did we think he would turn himself in. And he's right he has done a lot of shit and hasn't got caught for it.

Kayla POV

I guess my dad really did change a lil as person. Out of all the 17 years soon to be 18 years of my life, I would have NEVER thought that man would turn himself in. Its crazy that he used what i said as his answer to the question. I get a text from Ashley..

Hey pooh, I saw your dad just turned himself in. How ya feelin✨😣

I mean its not everyday you see your biological father on the news right??

Quit playing🙄 im for real tryna check up on you


After that explained EVERYTHING that happened that night. Well mostly everything there is like 3-5mins i have no idea what happened. Bri texted me too to check up on me and i told her everything too. Mane what would i do without my brother and my close friends?


Woww that was very emotional. I almost shed a tear writing it😢

Well there's a big part to Kaylas background.✨

How did her dad kill her mom?👀🔫🔪💊💉



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