Chapter 23- The skip

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Major Time skip

Kayla POV

So me and Dymond are officially a thing. We've been messing around since our lil date. Me and Ashley started to pull away, because she started not "having time" to hang out or be there when i need her so it brought me and Dymond together and honestly Im super happy with Dymond.

Ashley is talking to sum Stud named A'niyah but she just goes by Niyah. Turns out when Bri found out she was pregnant she was actually 3 months pregnant and because we been to parties she was having difficulties due to the alcohol the baby had. But everything is fine now. Now she is 6 months peggo. I mean by default she had to tell her parents and Ant.

If yall were wondering Q did get me back but it didnt go as he planned AT ALL. So he got me back at night while I was sleeping, I had Dymond over that night too. So Q put on a scary clown mask and scared the shit outta me and Dymond BUTTT Dymond is one of those people that when they get scared they start fighting. So she accidentally on purpose punched Q dead in his face and my brother had to take him to hospital cause they thought his nose was broke. Welp that night we both learned Karma's a bitch.

Trey is currently simping over one of his often sneaky links. But he has too much pride to admit he caught feelings inna no strings attached thing. Ant has been just taking care of Bri and making sure she has everything she needs for the baby and stuff.

It's now the middle of January so its cold outside. School has been going pretty good. It just sucks cause like everyone else's bae's go to school with them. While my Girlfriend isn't even in high school anymore, periodt im elite like that LOL.

Umm Amirr hasn't been heard from inna minute and honestly idgaf. Dymond has helped me a lot learn my true self worth and helped me know when its just time to stick up for myself. Oh almost got into a fight the other day at the mall cause a Girl kept looking at me and Dymond weird like she would give me a stank look but then try to be all flirty with Dymond. Then she started acting big and bad when i called her out.

Umm what else...oh my brother is still a lightskin gansta hoe. He did convince me to visit my dad in jail, I really only did it so I could get rid of the nightmares. He was super sad and beaten up. Like a lil bit of me felt bad but 98% of me was like " Thats what you get".

Umm since Ive come out completely most people have treated me the same but a couple people have had their choice of words. One old lady tried to tell me i was gonna go to hell so i told her i'll meet her there cause she pretty close to death too. And I said it dont really matter cause imma be shaking my ass on tha devil and taking pole dancing classes from Lil nas x.

But other than that I've been big chillin. Oh yea ya girl turned 18 last week. My baby really spoiled me, she bought me hella shit. My brother and Q bought me a car cause my other one broke down. Bri got me some jewelry. Ant got me food. Trey got me gift cards. And Ashley gave me a text and a gif.

Im currently in class not listening. This man just won't shut up like bruh its the end of the day. Plus i got dropped off so i cant just leave when i want to. The bell rang and everyone started leaving

" Alright you guys, Have a great weekend. Dont forget to write that paper its due on Tuesday"

I mentally rolled my eyes and went outside. When i went outside i met up with the crew. We see a big crowd of people surrounded by one car but we cant see whats going on so us being the nosey whores we are..we all walked over to see what the big deal was.

When we got to the crowd we pushed thru everyone to see a nice ass all white BMW i8.

When I looked my eyes got big

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When I looked my eyes got big. I saw Dymond sitting in the driver seat. When we made eye contact she unlocked the car and rolled down the window.

" Come on let's go!"

" Where are we going?"

" We finna take a lil trip but not if you dont get in this car."

" BETTTT!!" I said as i hopped in the car

I turned to my friends and said goodbye. I turned to Dymond and she kissed me. I smiled and look at all the kids faces it was very mixed emotions sum were Shocked, sum were jealous, disgusted, happy, and some were just too focused on the car.

Dymond put the Car in Drive and told everyone to move. Everyone backed out the way. Dymond burned some rubber then pulled off.

" So where are we REALLY going?"

" Just sit back and relax"

Ashley POV

Unfortunately, me and Kayla are not dating. Dont get me wrong I wouldve loved to date her and shit but some things happened and now we barely even speak to each other. She's dating the one girl she told me was "just a friend" but its koo im not gon be salty.

I got me a lil boo too. We not official but we officially talking. Im talking to the stud that was at the pep rally tryna holla at me. Turns out she's a really goofy, nice, caring person. We hang out quite a bit. We hang out less if my dad is in town. I think me hanging out with my dad is another reason me and Kayla didn't work. Maybe because i was spending a lot of time with him or it might of made her uncomfortable. I don't think i ever thought of that.

Welp Im here and Gay. Yea me and dudes are not the move anymore. Niyah issa really cool person.

Once school let out everyone was crowed by this one car. Everyone was wondering who's car it was and who were they picking up. Turns out it was the girl Kayla is dating. Kayla hopped in the car and they kissed idk what it was but for sum reason when they kissed i started to feel a lil funny.

"Hey baby you good" asked Niyah concerned

"Umm yea im just tired and ready to go home"

"Alright let's go. Wait can i come over and cuddle" she asked inna cute baby voice

"Of course, and your such a big baby"

Ik this is shorter than normal but i just needed to skip sum irrelevant info

Woww Kayla and Ashley never made it *tear tear😢"



A'Niyah Miller

Senior-18Mixed ( black & Puerto rican) Homie- Secret 🤐🙈

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Mixed ( black & Puerto rican)
Homie- Secret 🤐🙈

Senior-18Mixed ( black & Puerto rican) Homie- Secret 🤐🙈

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